Chapter 20: Valkyrie

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"Wow in a short period of time he was able to come up with a move like that?"

"That kid must really be something."

"This tournament is turning out to be more entertaining than what I participated."

"I wouldn't mind having a sidekick like that working under me."

A variety of voices mixed together as people across the entire stadium praised Dustin for his efforts.

Ren helped Dustin up as the crimson haired teen stared up in awe. He remained silent with his mouth widened unable to orally communicate what he wanted to say.

After a few moments passed Dustin felt his mind melt becoming overwhelmed with emotion as heavy tears flooded his eyes.

A small smile formed from Ren's lips as he looked up as well releasing the moment "You did good, but just remember this is only the beginning of the things we will accomplish."

"So try not to get too emotional over this." He joked.

Dustin swayed his head from right to left wiping the tears from his eyes "My bad it's totally uncool of me to do this in front of a large crowd huh?"

"I guess with that the first round is over"

Natsumi glanced over at Erica noticing the sentimental smile on her fair skinned face "Oh my are you about to start crying as well?"

Erica's face reddened quickly becoming flustered by Natsumi's comments "Of course not I am simply stating the obvious!"

Natsumi let out a light giggle as she placed both of her hands against her own cheeks "I wonder how Ren will Fair in the upcoming rounds."

Team Tachibana slowly glanced over to Olivia who laid unconscious outside of the ring. A medical team quickly approached her tossing her on a gurney and making their way out of the stadium with her.

"How unfortunate I really wanted to see her become a fine hero one day, but I suppose fate has finally taken its course."

Dustin's eyes raised as he stared at the Scarlet haired hero with confusion "What do you mean?"

Mei looked over at Dustin with eyes filled with intrigue. The woman ran her fingers against her lush red lips and gave him a seductive smile "Oh my I thought you'd be out cold after all those hits you took. Maybe there still are still some strong men to be cultivated from this field."

Blood immediately began to spray from his nostrils easily becoming victim to the heroine's lustful charm.

Ren on the other hand was quite the opposite he stared at her harshly with fierce red eyes "Answer the question."

"I haven't seen eyes as passionate as those in a long time."

Both of their scarlet eyes clashed oddly almost like a battle of wills before the rank 4 hero submitted "Olivia Hughes from this point forward will no longer be attending Goldendale Academy."

Ren's face flashed white and he stepped back slowly.


Mei's eyes lowered reverting back to her cold stare. She didn't speak for a moment and gazed at all the people in the surrounding area.

Seth, & Marie both seemed aware of this situation, whereas Ren seemed completely in shock.

Suzume remained quiet as well though her face was difficult to read due to her bangs covering her eyes.

"Did you seriously go into this fight thinking that there wouldn't be any repercussions?"

"Hughes was already on heroic probation after her little altercation with you. I as well as the principal spoke to her several days before the tournament began about this. That is why she fought so desperately in order to take out your friend."

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