The trip both pov's

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    Quick notes, Lia: she emailed back agreeing and set up a flight and hotel room. It's the next week and it's the day where she leaves. Grayson: He already had everything figured out and it's the day to leave.
During a convo when the person who's POV it is will be in regular print while the other person is in bold
*Swearing and a little violence"

  Lia's POV

My alarm goes off and I get up wake Evan up because he needs to go with me. I order an Uber and we arrive to the airport. All threw the morning Evan was acting kinda strange. He was moody and distant. I would ask to do something like should we go eat and he would snap at me saying "Lia I don't wanna eat stop asking." Even though I asked once. Regardless we get on the plane and I just put in earbuds and doze off to sleep.

    Graysons POV

    Today is the day of that meet and greet thing that Ethan really wants to go to. I get out of bed go get Ethan up and tell him to get ready. After waking up Ethan I go to the bathroom and take a shower. It was a shorter shower because I don't want to waste time. I get out and I hear Ethan and Emma on the phone as pre usual. I get dressed and go to Ethan's room to tell him to hurry up. The car drive wouldn't be to long but knowing Ethan he's gonna take forever to do shit.

*one hour later*

"Ethan lets go!" I scream from down the hall.
"One sec!"
I walk to his car and wait for him to come out. A minute later he comes out and unlocks the car and we get in. As we start to drive off I ask
"Should we have rented a room?"
"Why would we do that?"
"It's easier then taking an hour and a half drive there and back.
"Should we then?"
"I mean I guess."
"Wait, you should rent it I'll just crash with Emma."
Instantly when he said that my heart started to pound in my chest. Without thinking I said

"What the fuck Ethan you're always with that bitch."
"Grayson don't fucking talk about her like that! You're such a dick!"
"Yeah Grayson you're a dick."
"I'm not the one hanging out with my girlfriend 24/7 I actually try to spend time with you bro!"
"Bro calm the fuck down I'm not starting shit with you before we meet hundreds of people."
"Nice to see you care about other people that aren't you and Emma." I whisper under my breath.

    Lia's POV

    I wake up being pushed against the side of my seat. I look over and I see Evan he's clearly angry. I take out my earbuds and ask "What?" "Wake the fuck Up we're here." He says while gritting his teeth. "Okay god you didn't have to push me that hard." I say very annoyed. "You wouldn't get up stop complaining so much." Evan and I get up from our seats. I reach for the compartment and Evan slaps my hand away. "I got it." He's being such a dick recently and I don't know why. What did I do?

    We get off the plane and go down to the food court area. I ask Evan if he wants anything to eat because I was kinda hungry. "Wow Lia now you ask! Yeah I'm fucking hungry let's get pizza or something." "Evan chill out I just asked if you where hungry." He looks at me with a look I've only seen from... "Lia I said let's eat." Evan said very frustrated. "Okay Evan Just please calm down." I flash the puppy dog eyes and it starts to calm him down. "Sorry Lia. Let's just go eat." He stands up and I get up with him.
"Where are we gonna eat?"
"Uh what sounds good to you?"
"Fried chicken but they probably don't have gluten free."
"What about Mexican food?"
"What about pizza?"
"I want Mexican food."
"But baby I want pizza."
"Why? We eat pizza everyday."
"Never mind let's get Mexican then."

    I get a text on my phone from Mar "Hey I'm here! We are over by the busses." Oh I guess we don't have time for Mexican food. I say to Evan "Oh baby Mar is here let's go out there instead." He rolls his eyes "ughh fine." We walk all the way across the airport and meetup with mar. We hop in her car and drive to my hotel room.

Grayson's POV

    We pull up to the hotel and Ethan and I get out of the car. We go inside and I say to the lady at the front desk. "Hey I know it's kinda late but are there any hotel rooms available still?" She says "sorry sir but we only have a one bed room left is that okay for the two of you?" Ethan looks at me and I say "uh actually it's just me so... ya that's fine." She looks at me a bit confused but then asks for my credit card and I give it to her and she gives me my card and the room key. "Have a good stay sir." I nod and smile slightly.

Ethan and I walk over to the elevator and I press the button up to floor 3 I ask Ethan "What floor is Emma on?" "Uh I think she's on floor 3 too." "Okay. Are you and I going out or you Emma James and I?" I say semi annoyed "We can go out just you and I."Ethan said. I raise one eyebrow and look at him and say "Oh I figured you just wanted to go with Emma. Hmm." The elevator door opens and I walkout before Ethan could say something. I walk over to my room Ethan follows along behind me. I unlock the door and I tried to close it before Ethan came over. But he managed to make it over. Ethan says "dude why are you so angry about every thing. I mean I get you want to have a girlfriend but don't take that shit out on me!" I don't know what to say to him. I just set my bags down and let out a big sigh. Finally I say "I know Ethan. I'll call you when I'm ready to leave."

Hey there so this was a long chapter (sorry) and it should get more interesting later but that's all for now. A part of the story is ib Iva/ wolfvfx
Also u should go read her story and graystfwolf he has a good story too
Okay buyer

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