What Happens In The Janitor's Closet. . .

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"Do you have to be such a bully?!" I yelled at the three girls in front of us.

Rachel cowered behind me as I stood up to the bitches. "You don't have to do this," Rachel whispered, "You can run now before they get too angry."

I laughed, "I think it's a little too late for that. Plus, I'm not going anywhere."

The blonde girl and presumably the leader, Tracy, had her hands on her hips and held her head up high, I guess for humans this is a way to show dominance. "Who were you again?"

I moved my dark blonde hair from my face, "Now, Tracy, how can you be so mean to your own sister?"

She let out a humourless laugh, "Half sister. My mother wasn't a skank."

That did it. My mum is very sick and is constantly in and out of hospital. Before mum, dad was with another girl, Georgia, that's when he had his first daughter, Tracy. But then he met mum and everything changed. It may have only been one night but they have me as a constant memory.

"Don't you dare speak about my mother like that you slut!" I pulled off a tree branch and swung it at her. It missed.

Even after dad confessed his love to mum, he still had the nerve to go back to Georgia. And she accepted him with open arms. Just the thought of it makes me wanna-

I swung again, barely missing her. The three girls screamed and ran for it. I rushed through the flower garden, ruining all the plants to cut them off. They screamed again once they saw me in front of them.

"Veronica! Don't do this," Rachel shouted. I snapped out of my rage and dropped the stick.

The girls took this to their advantage and ran. Before they disappeared, Tracy called, "Both you and your mum can go rot in hell!"

I grit my teeth, picked up the stick and threw it at her. Fortunately, she was scared shitless and screamed again, running away. Unfortunately, the stick missed, and may have shattered the window to the teachers staff room.

I stood up straight and looked back at Rachel, "Whoops."

She started freaking out, her glasses slanted across her face, "Oh no, this is bad, this is-"

I held onto her shoulders, "Easy. Just breathe."

She took out her inhaler and started using it to control her asthma. "We are in so much trouble! My parents are going to kill me."

I looked at her in the eyes, "Don't worry about it, it was me who broke the window," I looked at the garden, "And destroyed the flower bed, you'll be fine."

She calmed down a bit, "But, what about you? You always do so much for people like me, who always get bullied. I can't let you take the blame. . ."

I smiled to reassure her, "Hey, it's not like it's the first time I've been in trouble. I can handle it!"

She smiled back, "Thanks Veronica," with that, she ran off.

How am I going to explain this? I don't have any money to fix things because we're using it all for mum's hospital finance. With the addition of food, and rent, this just tips the list!

I sighed and slouched for only a few moments until I heard footsteps approaching. This would be a sign to run for it.

Quickly, I hurdled the small, wire fence that separated this area to the car park and ran to the front of the school. What they don't know won't hurt them, right?


I looked up from my desk, "Hey Bailey."

He smiled, his big blue eyes shining brightly, "Rachel told me what happened, it seems pretty extreme, don't you think?"

"Well, no one insults my mum and gets away with it," I told him.

He sat beside me, "You truly are amazing. Have you gotten caught yet?"

I shook my head and answered, "Not yet, and hopefully never. This school has enough money, they can pay for the damage."

It's only a window after all, and a few seeds to re-plant the garden. They might have to fix up the tree a little bit. . .

"Right, well, my lips are sealed," he pulled his hand across his mouth as if zipping it up, and then throwing away the key.

Wait, zips don't have keys.

Or do they? Maybe some do. Who knows? Aliens.

We both sat there for a while in silence. The whole class jumped when the doors burst open and a man entered the room. "Who did it?"

He walked to the middle of the room, he was wearing a white shirt with denim jeans and a blue cap. Once he removed the cap, dark, very dark, brown hair fell over his face. You probably wouldn't even know it was brown unless you saw the sunlight bouncing off it.

He looked around the room, "Well? I know it was someone here, who destroyed my garden?"

He seems like a creepy old man who cares only for his garden, when in reality, he must be only a year or so older than me. When his gaze landed on me, I shivered. Both his eyes were brown, though his left a little lighter than the right.

I gulped once he walked over to me, a smile playing on his lips, and oh it was anything but amusing, "Was it you?"

There's only one thing I can do at a time like this:

"Was what me?"

He tilted his head, his hair falling right, "Did you hurt the flowers and Mr. Tree," he said, pouting.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, speaking like this makes him seem scary, "I-I don't know what you're talking about." I've always been good at lying, what happening to me?!

The way he looked at me made it seem like I was his prey. As if he was going to toy with me before devouring me.

He smiled again, "Oh, but I think you do."

"It was her!" Bailey shouted.

We both looked at him, I scowled and mouthed 'what are you doing?'

He shook his head, "I'm sorry Veronica! It's just he's too pressuring."

"He wasn't even looking at you!" I snapped.

When I looked back at the guy, he was staring at me. He put his cap on his head and stood up straight, his masculine frame towering over me, "Cats out of the bag now."

I sighed and looked up with pleading eyes, "I'm sorry sir. Really, but it was an accident and I don't really have any money to fix it so-"

He raised an eye brow at me, "Is that so? Well then I see we have no other choice, you'll just have to pay with your body instead."


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Your Shiny Baby...

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