Chapter 33

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Hello everybody.

Many of you have been asking for an update ASAP after chapter Thirty-Two's ending. Things are really complicated at work right now, and I've been struggling for time, but here's the new update.

Sorry it's a short one.



Let it never be said I wasn't brought up right. Sure, I'd just caught my boyfriend snogging another woman, but I had manners enough to not only not disrupt them, but assure them some privacy by shutting the door, leaving them alone.

I wanted to run away from Harry and his blonde, long-haired, beautiful girl. I hadn't seen her face, just her back, but I'm sure she is gorgeous, with model-like looks.

I felt numb all over. None of the myriads of reactions that might spring from finding your man with another woman seem suitable to me at the moment. Sure I could go all out and storm into the dressing room loudly demanding an explanation; or, go for a more quiet approach like walking in quietly, letting out a small lady-like cough to make my presence known. I could also pull the fire alarm, surely they'd be forced to break away from each other in order to evacuate the premises.

Any thought of retrieving the camera Harry had recently gifted me slipped completely from my mind, as I walked aimlessly through the backstage hallways of the Los Angeles Greek Theater, looking for someplace to crawl into.

Although the show was over, the venue still continued to buzz with the frantic activity of many crewmembers. Everything had to be dismantled, checked for any damage that might have occurred during the performance, and properly stored away for the next concert.

I finally found an empty fold-up chair, abandoned in an unlit corner and sat down. I rested my elbows on my knees and my head on my hands, waiting for the tears to come. They didn't, there was no sobbing. I felt utterly paralyzed, I'm not sure if I was even breathing anymore. This chair would be my new home, for the years to come. Next to the chair, on the floor, some fast food restaurant paper bags lay discarded. Perfect, maybe there were some leftover chips and pickles, I wouldn't starve.

My phone began ringing. People can be so rude sometimes.

My entire life was crashing down around me. I should be allowed the common courtesy of uninterrupted pain and suffering.

I glanced at the phone screen. It was Anne. I didn't pick up.

Suddenly, it came back to me that I was supposed to attend with Anne and Gemma the celebration of my lying boyfriend's first solo tour.

Telling myself that Anne is a very nice woman and that it's not her fault that her son is a two-timing jerk, I called her back. She picked up immediately.

"Are you all right, lovely?" Anne asked in a worried voice, "You went to get your camera a while back. Gemma and I are waiting."

"I seem to have misplaced it," I replied, in what I hoped was a calm voice, " I'm gonna look for it a bit more. You go on ahead."

"Are you sure?" she insisted, "we can wait till you find it."

"That's quite all right," I persisted, "don't miss anything on my account. I'll catch a ride with somebody else later."

It went like this for a bit more. She insisted on waiting for me, and I declined again. She voiced her concern about leaving me behind since most people had already left. I assured her that there were still plenty of people with whom I could catch a ride. We said our thank yous and goodbyes and hang up.

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