One swipe away

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Don't follow me you will end up in my arms...

The concrete side walks guided the man threw his night.
The third girl this week followed after him, third distraction. With heartbreak redacting his emotions, he stood in the middle of a busy road. Cars zoomed past him with lighting speed, his friends screamed the intoxicated man's name.

As car lights hit his vision, he shut his eyes, waiting for the pain to break his bones and his blood to spill.
But it never did.

However when his eyes opened, he was being pushed- tackled out of the freeway.
A small girl, about 19 or 20, struggled to even move the man but she was screaming.

And with those final words, he managed to stumble back to him friends, somehow dodging the cars and their horns.

His small friend Toby screamed at him, but he couldn't focus.
"Who was that?"
"John....that wasn't her..."
"I KNOW THAT! But she felt so-
"Let's go home, you are done for the night."
"Month, actually."
Their friend Ryan corrected Toby.

"She needs me alive? You heard her..."
"Who are you talking about?"
"The girl...."

Two years ago in a small town in Georgia...
"Moe, it's just a month..."
"I know but, why is it that I have to stay in the house addict? What happened to my room?"
"Shut it, mom would rather you live in the backyard. After this year, she is probably gonna ship you off to some boarding school...."
"Heaven, you worry too much."

The girl placed a hand on her sisters shoulder.  It was the first time in a year they were getting along and it was only temporary.
"Why don't we just leave to Dads? You can't tell me, you wanna stay in the states.... right, Heaven?"

Heaven chewed on her ring finger, and looked away from the girl's gaze.
"Jesus on a cracker, you can't actually be retarded enough to enjoy this fucking place!"
"Stop with the unlady like speech!"

I rolled my eyes, as my mother- actually egg donor walked into my cramped space.
"Now, Heaven go clean something while I speak to your sister."
"Yes, momma."
"YeS, MoMMa~"
I mocked heaven's obedient manner, earning a death glare from both.
"Moe. My name is Moe, Kristy."
"Whatever it is you call yourself doesn't matter to me. I have made arrangements with a friend of mine. You will be living with them for a while. Exchange students program?"
"Ha, sounds fun, can't wait!"

I smiled with clenched teeth, and fist.
"Good girl."
"Can you leave now?"

With her stern and wrinkled face, my BM left. As the door shut, I took out my phone, and texted Jade my ETA. After everyone went to their rooms for the night, I removed the screen from my window and hopped off the roof, catching myself by rolling and then booking it to Jade car with my belongings.

One thing was on my mind, getting out of here.
"Ready, Theodosia?"
"One minute."
I looked at the fake ID and passports we got.
I gave the house one more look, and my sister looked out of her window. With a shocked look she yelled for my BM.
"Book it."

Jade just nodded before busting on the gas.

"Adventure awaits us!"
The radio blasted as we drove down that old dirt road, the sun barely rising. My eyes squinted, and I pulled out a cigarette.
"I guess so..."

I'm trying a new theme with my favorite e-boy at the moment.... so bear with me.
I love u❤️

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