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"Can you change it while I take a piss?"
Pierce (Jade) tossed me the screwdriver before she whistles at her dog Diablo to follow.
I scanned the other cars and their licenses before pocketing one and switching it with ours.

"So we're from Minnesota?"
"Sounds good to me."

Diablo panted before hopping back in the car.
"It been a year? Feels like couple months..."
"Yea, I don't get why we still run... we are both legal now..."
My eyes catch onto the new scenery. We had made move to Australia after a cousin of Pierce's reached out.

"Ты не доверяешь мне."
"Когда говоришь по русски нет."

Pierce laughed at me as we moved into the front seats and started driving.
"It only couple more weeks until my birthday. Wanna celebrate?"
"Hell yah!"
"I know I don't say it often, but you are my best friend, Moe."
"Don't go getting sappy on me, Jade."

We were happy, only a year and we had seen half the world and met 1/4 of it. The sky never seemed clearer, now that we were legal... we could do whatever we wanted, the world seemed so big to us.

That was until we got to the house and reality slowly started to set in.

"What do you mean, we pay rent!?"
"I thought you were gonna let us live here free?"
We stood in front of the house in disappointment as her cousin dismissed us.
"This is bullshit."
Jade slumped next to me on the couch.
"On the bright side, it's livable and everything we need. Food, water, wifi...."
"Jade, we haven't even finished school. How do we make money!?"

After an hourlong brainstorm, we took the money we had left and set up our phone lines, bought clothes, and other things "adults" do.
The streets of Sidney were loud even at night.
I spoke to Jade about Diablo's food, but she stopped and grabbed my arm saying nothing but looking at the building in front of us.

The Golden Waterfall

"No. Jade-

And that's how we grabbed our jobs. I worked as security, and waitress. Jade loved being on stage so she took that job.
One look at the uniform and I tried to surpass my laughter with a fake cough.

"That guy is getting really hands..."
My eyes flipped to a lap dance gone terribly wrong.
A tall man with lot of tattoos and no hair expect his eyebrows, towered over his dancer. He was gripped onto her arm, and yelling.

"Sir, I'm going to have to escort you for your obnoxious behavior and rude display. You are interrupting the other customers."
"Ohhhh, is the lil ol southerner gonna scare me? Fuck off bitch."

I cracked my neck and smiled, a sadistic smile.
He screamed as I bent him over and locked his shoulder blade and put his hands behind his back.
"Get the fuck out. And if I see your face here again, I will dislocate that other shoulder."
The coward scrambled back home and I dusted my hands, relieving the tension as he left.
I received great praise from my "co-workers" and my boss.

My shift was only forty minutes til end when a large group of men walked in, older than me but still young.
Instantly the girl's magnetized towards them, leading the boys to seats and shots.

I rolled my eyes but a girl named, Kraken, pulled me over.
"Is there a problem gentlemen?"
"No but your uniform, is that for some rp?"

I snorted and waved my hands.
"I'm not a dancer."
Flipping my name tag at them, they all leaned their heads back with 'ohhhh'
"Please welcome, Sugar Cookie!"
I watched Jade watch out while the DJ blared Cardi B over the speakers.
She dropped and danced, using the pole for support.
I whistled at her and she smiled, before climbing up and spinning around.

With some clutter happening I turned towards it and left my current post to check it out.
"Oi, take another one!"
"Your time is up, dude!"
"Dalia, is he bothering ya?"
"Shut up, bitch! I just want a good picture!"

The man was in about his fifty's and looked like he took a shot for every year.
Dalia dodged him before moved behind me. I rolled up my sleeves, taking the camera and escorting him out. He and I were about the same height and he didn't put up much of a fight.

"Brody! Call him a cab, will you darlin?"
"Yes, Moe!"
I saluted him, before possessing the camera and mindlessly tossing it in my locker.

"My feet..."
my complaints didn't even reach Jade as she put on his jacket, a large bag of cash in hand.
"Jade? You alright, hunny?"
"Yes, I was just thinking about ummm, I don't know, nevermind...."

I shrugged it off, maybe she was missing the South... it was coming up on two years. We were gonna be turning twenty soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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