EPILOGUE: Amidst the Butterflies

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April had awoken this morning with an anxious start. It seemed like this "fear" was lingering all around her in the shadows and she just couldn't shake it.

"I mean, why do I deserve so much?" she asked herself, as she started to look around. She and Ethan had found this house right before their wedding. It had a few bedrooms, plenty of kitchen and dining space, a large backyard, and thick walls. It was a fixer upper, but their parents decided to gift them a remodel, since they had paid for their own wedding.

April smiled strolling through the hallowed space, reminiscing on wonderful memories, when she came upon his room. Enzo Alexander Choi. A small giggle escaped her. She remembered how enamored Ethan had been when she told him she was pregnant. Though exhausted from love making, Ethan couldn't help taking time to speak to his child. He whispered so long, his tone eventually put April to sleep. And when Enzo finally arrived, her heart swelled, flattening her lungs- breathless but elated. He was perfect!

He was 7lbs 6oz, with a head full of black curls. He was alert and quiet, which according to Mami Choi, is exactly how Ethan was when he was born. April had to laugh, because Enzo seemed to charm the nurses in his first days at the hospital; which again, Mami Choi said was just like his father. When Enzo would finish nursing, he'd just smile, looking like a cat who ate a canary, but didn't care if you knew. The nurses would gush and he'd smile more, showing off his daddy's dimples. "My little charmer," she thought. Then subconsciously, she began rubbing her stomach as she approached HER room. Their baby girl, for whom they were still arguing over names, would be born in about 6 weeks, and April couldn't wait to see her. She wondered if she'd look more like her or Ethan or a good mix. Would she be a vibrant personality like April, or a smoldering flame, like her father? April could only imagine and wait. But while thinking on her dream life, April's heart clinched, because she was on the verge of losing it all and she had to find a way to save it!

It started last night at the Naval function. Ethan had been asked to attend the retirement dinner for one of his former Commanding officers, as well as others retiring from the Navy. Although she felt huge, she agreed to go. And since her parents came in town early for the baby shower, her mom and cousin helped her find a beautiful gown for the occasion. It was the perfect balance of sexy and motherly refinement- like a pregnant "Jessica Rabbit".

"Babe, this isn't too much, is it?" she asked. "Because I bought a simple classic dress, if this is too... you know... MUCH." Ethan licked his lips and moved closer to his wife.

"It IS much, but it's not inappropriate. And honestly, anything would look sexy on you- because you ARE sexy!" She needed to hear that as he leaned down to kiss her gently. "Now, as sexy as you are, we need to leave in 15 minutes. Will you be ready?"

Chuckling she answered "Sir, yes Sir!" And with another peck, Ethan left.

Looking as handsome as on their wedding day, Ethan had been introducing her to the members of his unit. They'd all come in for their CO's celebration. She thought he seemed to stand straighter when his fellows would comment on how beautiful his wife was and offer their congratulations on their coming baby. It was going well, except for her continuous bathroom runs, but after the first couple she wasn't as uncomfortable. He seemed to always be near the bathroom when she came out, except this time. Wheeling herself further into the function, she finally located her husband, but he wasn't alone... he was talking to Vicki!

April's heart sank and simultaneously her little princess started doing flips, which made her nauseous. But after some sparkling water and whispering a sweet plea to her little gymnast, April made her way over to her husband and his former flame. "Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you. Are you ok?" Ethan asked, worry all over his face. But April wasn't sure if it was concern for her, or concerned Vicki would find out they were married.

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