Demonic Vibes...

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(Hey guys! So here is my explanation for unpublishing all the chapters. The old plot I had sat for the story had a serious mistake so I fixed it and becuase of that I needed to re-write the chapters along with changing other details. This is the only chapter that will stay mostly the same! Also to all my younger readers, this contains violence, suicide, self-harm, touchy subjects, lust, gore, weapons, religous speaking and other stuff that I probaly can't think of. PLEASE DON'T READ IF YOU ARE 13 or under. I know most of you will most likely read it anyway.)

"Death and destruction lie open before the LORD- how much more do human hearts!" Proverbs 15:11. (The Bible)
February 12, 3021, Monday. New LA, Northern California




Demonic Government: A royal dynasty rules over hell with respect and care for their people, but there is a higher rank claimed by one and one only. The son of lucifer, Commander Morningstar, gives most of the orders and he has a say in most laws. He is the only person, along with his siblings, to talk to Lucifer. If the royal family wants to give a command or pass a law they must run it by the commander. Punishment for disobeydiance or disloyalty to him is death.

        In 3021 monsters live together in harmony. Wendigos, skinwalkers, vampires, urban legonds, gremblins, dragons, ghosts, werewolves, you name it. I bet it lives here. There's only one monster that isn't allowed in the surface world, Demons... They are banned from most schools, resturaunts, stores, and other public places. In 2997 most people wouldn't have agreed with this discrimination, but in 2998 demons developed a taste for flesh and blood. They claimed they "need" it to survive. I don't know how much of that is bulll and how much is true. I'm not racist or anything, but I wouldn't bring one into my bed.

        I continued to comb my brownish-puprle, greasy hair as I ran out my apartment door, toast dangling from my K9's.
        "Elijah! Don't forget you'r laptop!" my 25-yar-old brother, james, yelled after me. I'm only 16.
        "Iff Difen't" I yelled through the toast. My strong French accent muffled. I had moved to America when I was 7 years old.
        My navy blue uniform jacket was wrinkled and a little torn after catching it on the door along with my navy blue Chino pants. My tail and ears were badly unkept. My freaking alarm didn't make a single noise. Luckly I caught up to the bus and hopped on. People uncomfortably curved their bodies to let me through. Though it was easy for me since I had a small stature and a height of 5'3. I sat down and caught my breath through the spit soaked toast. Another day in the life of  Elijah Rose, or so I thought it was.
        I streightend my glasses and stepped off the crowded bus with a relieved sigh. Luckly from years of experience of being late, I was able to tiddy up pretty well on the bus. I looked up at the big clock on the front of the school. I was late. Mr.Anderson, our sophomore teacher, would be happy to have a reason to bite my head off.
        "Elijah!" I turned to see my friend Izabella running towards me, her arms flailing in attempt to wave.
        "'Ello , Iz, what's up?" I asked as she stopped next to me to catch her breath.
        "Chicken lizard!" she screamed. This was a private joke between us. When we were younger and couldn't cuss, some times we would yell chicken lizard as a curse word. She twirled her brown hair in her hand and started talking. I nervously glanced at the clock. Her brown eyes stared at me dreamily. I knew she's had a crush on me since 7th grade. To be honest it's annoying. I don't get how she hasn't guessed I'm gay. Either she's super naive or she's ignoring the fact.
        "Um, this was nice and all Iz, but I have to go!" I reasoned.
        "oh, ok." she muttered disapointingly. I walked off hoping I would't have to go through that again.
        I stepped into the classroom expecting to hear Andersons booming voice yelling out my name, along with the teasing chants of the other idiotic kids. Instead of that, though, there was silence. Well, from Anderson, everyone else was either yelling or secretly smoking behind their hands. I sat down at my seat and I almost tipped my chair. A few kids giggled as I stumbled to regain my chair's balance. Anderson took a breath as if he was ready to boom out an announcement. Before he could, he paused, a look of stress and worry strenched broadly across his face.
       "Class, listen." he demanded quietly. We all stopped and stared at him. " We have a new student coming tomorrow and we are going to have an assembley in a few minutes." He continued concerningly. A student raised his hand. Anderson nodded towards him.
       "What monster are they?" the first question that leaves everyones tongues when they hear about a new student. Anderson looked worried, baffled. This wasn't good. If there was a monster powerful enough to scare Mr. Anderson, an angle, into silence. Then it had to be satanic, or worse.
       " He- de-... our new student, he is.... he is a Demon." Mr. Anderson stuttered through the last word to quickly for me. A spine tingling chill ran down my skin. A demon... in our school?! Was it looking for more prey or what? W-was I indanger? I riffled my hand through my hair. No, my life is to boring for that, theres no way a demon could take any intrest in me. I prayed silently to my self. Please god tell me this isn't true. My brother and sister, James and Alice; the ones who bought me the apartment, pays the rent, and put me in school; would take me out of this program like lightning. I couldn't leave my studies behind! Theres so much research I've been conducting on the study of monster history! I've almost gotten a lead on the first ever werewolf family! Or, family to be known of.
       Everyone started lining up to head to the assemblely. We all cautiously walked down the hallway, giving eachother sideglances, searching for the quickest way to run. I tried to picture the beast in my head. Black greasy hair, bloody fangs, ragged clothes, a deathly stare. I swallowed my fear as we entered the gym. He might not be coming till tomorrow, but you never know what could be there. We all sat on the bleachers and whispered among ourselves as the princible streightned his papers and cleared his throat.
      "Students," the crowd of kids, 7th-senior, silenced. " as you have heard, there will be a demon-,... 2 demons, joining our school as-of tomorrow." the students whispered again, not just one demon but 2?! " We ask that you treat them as if they were your friends, and you do not discriminate them." the students cried out demands such as, 'Who do you think you are?' and "What demon in their right mind would come to a human school?"
As long as your a creature not angle, demon, or god; you are considered a human.
      " The demons joining us are," he cleared his throat and stood up streight. " Michal Johnson and Shadow Morningstar." the kids gasped. Morningstar?! The comander of hell was coming to our school, he was basically royalty! Everyone started shaking, some with anger others with fear. " Michal, along with an angle who will be accompaning them, are Mr. Morningstars guards. You sha'll not threaten or abuse them." another outrage burst came from the crowd like a bomb. I pulled my elbows onto my lap and bit my nails. This makes all of us easy targets for these demons. The commader being in our school, the sketchy allys near by, not to mention the war between Northern and Southern California distracting our millitary and police forces. I was so stressed I didn't even realize I had bitten clean through my skin, great, blood for the demons to smell. Once a demon gets your whiff, they can't let it go. They released us from the assemblely and before I even knew it, class was over and I was heading to the bus.
      "Monsieur Shadow Morningstar, huh?" I whispered to myself. The name didn't sound onimous at all! The commander is well known in the human world for being brutal, mean, gruff, and merciless. He's also thought of as unloving, playboy, and heartless.
      As I walked through the silent ally, I heard someone step on a can behind me. No one ever uses this path around this time. Only me as its quiet and a quicker route to the bus station. I stopped and turned. My eyes widend as a dark figure stood behind me, whispering. "De-demon!" I turned to run, but quicker then I could blink it grabbed my arm and through me to the ground. I winced in pain as my glasses flew off my face. I couldn't make out the guys features as he pinned me to the ground. I turned my head to avoid his rotted, bloody breathe. I looked off at what little sunlight came from the roofs of the buildings. I closed my eyes as I felt him lunge. Nothing. I opened my eyes to see the man be ripped off of me by some unholy force.
     "Get off of him!!" yelled a different voice. I quickly sat up and got ready to run, until I looked up. It seemed to be a kid my age. He had the demon by the throat as it struggled and whined. The only feature I could make out was teal hair that faded into white. What was this guy. I didn't want to stay and see, so I turned and ran. I didn't stop running. It took 35 minutes but I ran all the way home. I slouched on the couch and caught my breath. What did I just witness?
     "Hey, little bro, are you okay?" James said walking into the apartment with take-out.
     "Yeah, I just decided to jog home today!" I replied.
     "Thats my boy! Working out is good for you!" he pranced into the kitchen. I wouldn't dare tell him about the demons.
???'s POV
     I watched the guy struggle to get up then run in some unknown direction. What a loser, picking on a kid. I turned to where the teen had been sitting, he was gone but he left somthing behind. I walked up to his glasses and picked them up. They were in pristine condition. Maybe I could turn them into the school tomorrow. Or maybe it's another chance to get a "thank-you!" for saving his skin, literally. I stood up and looked around the ally. Idiot kid. I could smell a demon bar near, the last thing you want to smell in an ally.

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