Love Every Moment Falling From Grace

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 (Alright, so if you're someone who has been reading this story for around the past 4 or 5 months (it's May), I'm sorry for all the confusion. If you have just started reading then don't worry. Just to catch you up, Elijah is now french, he moved to America when he was 7.)
                                      "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you." Romans 16:20. (The Bible)
May 27, 3021. Wednesday.
Elijah's POV...
           I kissed Shadows neck as he worked on his computer. He was on the couch working on emails for his father. I sat quietly next to him and played games on my phone.
           I loved living with him. He's always sweet, he always cooks for us, and I'm always happy to help him with chores.
           He set his 148x-computer on the coffee table, pulled me onto his lap and kissed my chest then my neck. I giggled.
           "How's my baby doing?" he asked, stroking my head. His eyes staring at me lovingly.
           "Bien," I replied. I leaned my head on his chest. He laid down and pulled me onto him. "Did you finish work?"
           "Yes, mom!" he teased. He gave me another kiss.
           "Do you want to do anything fun today?" I asked.
           "How about you and I go see a movie tonight."
           "That sounds amazing!" I exclaimed, rubbing his cheek softly. "Can we maybe go to a bar too? Get some virgin drinks?"
           "Sure thing, lightweight." he joked.
           "Méchant!" I laughed. He gave me another small kiss. He looked up from me and stared at the door as if he sensed something.
           Everything suddenly went quiet as a depressing mood suddenly drafted over us. A chilling breeze flooded into the room. Shadow looked confused, even terrified.
           "Why don't you-" he started, but a knock on the door stopped him mid-sentence. His sharp ears twitched as if he was listening in. His expression darkened.
           "Are you expecting someone?" I asked. Making my own ears appear to listen in.
           "No." he muttered. I slid off of him as he started creeping towards the door. He looked through the peephole and swallowed. He started shaking. "Go into our room and lock the door."
           "Babe, what's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me, his eyes wide in horror.
           "Please, just go upstairs." he shivered as the door rattled with another booming knock. I nodded quietly and walked upstairs, into our room. I listened closely as Shadow opened the door.

Shadow's POV...

           My father stormed into my apartment after I opened the door.  His suit and tie were dirty and unorganized.
           "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey~, brat!" he drunkenly slurred. Father often consumed a large amount of alcohol. Usually enough to kill an average human, or 300.
           "D-dad, what are you doing here?!" I asked aggressively. He gave me a disgusted look before slapping me.
           "Don't you talk to me like that!" he yelled. I really thought I escaped this. I thought when I had moved away with a court order that I wouldn't have to go through this again. "Stupid boy."
           "Dad, leave. This is my house." I grimaced.
           "Oh, come on! You're only 16."
           "I had a court order to be emancipated."
           "Court snort." he laughed as if he found his wordplay clever. This was embarrassing. What most people feared was actually a coward alcoholic. A quiet creek sounded from my bedroom upstairs. "Is someone here?" he asked, raising his voice.
           "N-no one! No one, just my dog."
           "You have a pet?" he let out a booming laugh. "Why can't I see this little poochy you're so attached to?" he made his way towards the stairs.
           "U-uhh! He's a mutt! He's very dirty, y-you wouldn't like him!" I studdered. He stopped and stared suspiciously.
           "You're hiding something! What are you hiding?" he asked angerly. There was no use. I might as well tell him for myself.
           "I-I have my, my boyfriend here," I muttered. There was a long pause.
           "Son, are you ok?" he asked, almost concerningly. I grimaced at him.
           "I'm fine. I just met someone I loved."
           "S-so you're gay?" he asked again.
           "Yes, Dad! And you would know that if you ever tried to be part of my life!" I yelled unexpectedly. My dad punched me across the face, causing me to fall onto the ground. My lip was busted and blood ran from my nose. He bent down to me and I stared him in the eyes.
           "You disgust me!" he yelled in my face, then grabbing my shirt collar.

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