Fleeing From Faith....

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                                                             "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." - James 4:7. (The Bible)
Feburary 16, 3021, Friday.
                The rest of the week had been nerve racking. If we passed by in the hallway, commander morningstar would brush his hand against mine or give me a wink. A lot of people were suprised when the commander interduced himself with a smile. I guess everyone was expecting the heavily scarred, dark looking guy to be quiet and mean. Some idiot was dumb enough to ask him about the scars, he only said he was in an accident when he was young. His reputation quickly grew from freak to normal guy. Atleast, thats how people try and act around him.
                "Elijah, you almost ready?" called James from the other room.
                "Almost, calmez-vous!" I yelled back. There was a secret no one knew about us. I looked up from my button up shirt, vest, and tie. A white fog settled across my eyes draining the color. The truth about my family is that James, Alice, and I are only half-siblings. Our mothers cheated on our fathers with some unknown man. We arn't normal children, we are legends. The highest ranking angle. I'm from France, I moved to America when I was 7.
                 I set my glasses on the dresser and put in my new contacts.
                We all had our spirit animals. James's a lion so his monster is a cat, Alice's is a hawk so she can disguise her angle wing to look like bird wings when we're undercover, me? I'm a wolf. I may look weak on the outside, but I know I'm gods favorite. I'm strong, loyal, kind, quick, cunning. This doesn't sound like me because my training isn't complete. I set my hands to my sides as my eyes turned to normal. Infact it may never be completed. God told me as a wolf I'm rebelious, and though my friends and siblings will reject me, I have to stay true to my instincs because mine are the most independent. A lot of people get Gods will wrong, some of those people being angles themselves. God wishes for happiness, freedom, and peace among us, and I'm supposed to be the brave soldier that will bring that. Even if it means killing.
             As I turned to leave I caught a glimpse of red in my light purple eyes. It wont be long now!
             Oh! Of course we have to keep in touch with our allies. Tonight there is a party at the vampire kingdom in New York. They have a party every 6 months or so to keep the alliences together. This party ,though, was special, they invited the demons to the party. We all decided a war against some of the most advanced creatures would be costly and fatal for all.
             The demons are positivly known for their advancements in technology. They created glass phone, just glass! Yet the screen lights up and you can still play games, call, and text. Those have been around for a while, but it's still cool to think about.
             Before I knew it we arrived at the Vampire castle through teleportation. We walked in and were instantly greeted by all the kingdoms. They said "hello" and "How are you?" as we past. The lavish ball room was decorated in different colors of the kingdoms. The floor was polished till you could see your reflection. The walls were a dark maroon and a stage and curtain were on the far wall from the doors to the left. A bar sat next to that.
             "Ok, just mingle around, don't be rude." James whispered in my ear. I nodded as he left. I felt the hair prickle on the back of my neck. I smelled a familier colone that made me smile and blush. I guess they would be interducing the commander soon. Then as soon as I thought this...
             "May I have everyones attention?" the vampire king, Vargas, asked. Everyone stopped talking and turned towards him. They all knew what was next. " We all know why this party is so important, we are signing the Treaty of Worlds." everyone grumbled or sighed. " To do this we needed Hell on our side. So please welcome  commader Morningstar!" Vargas announced nervoulsy. Everyone grimmaced as Shadow walked on with a smile and a stone look in his eyes. Like he was deeply unimpressed. He had two long, black horns that curled in the back out and a tail came from his lower back.
             He gave a polite bow that sent chills through the room as the tempature dropped. Somthing about him was respectful yet domanating.
             "Thank you all for having me here, I can assure you that demons have come up with a strict pattern to..." he looked ahamed and a little irritated. "...feeding" the words left his mouth with bitterness. The queen of werewolves raised her hand. The commander gave a nod.
             "As new allies, maybe it's best you share this pattern?" she raised her voice with a tone of disgustance. Shadow poundered her question.
             " My demons have been sticking to hunting murderers, rapeists, domectic violence cases, and other dangerous convicted criminals. We feed on the souls that come to Hell and we stop the preditors before they strike on earth." Shadow replied eagerly. He seemed excited to prove his peoples worth.
             "What about 'needing' to eat, is that true?" asked a skinwalker.
             "Yes, all those claims are true." everyone muttered in disbelief. " Infact, we had over 3 million cases of starvation last year due to the complaints of us cleaning your streets." Several demon guards smiled in agreement. Peoeple started looking nervous after that last remark. Vargas excused Shadow and they walked off stage. The party began!
             " Elijah, I want you to keep this under your table and don't remove it!" Alice taped somthing under the table I was sitting at and walked away. I didn't bother to disobey, yet. I watched as every one mingled with eachother. I think its safe to say I fan girled over the commander in his all black tux.
             An hour later Shadow walkd up to me at the table. He started with chit chat then he talked with me about school. About 10 minutes later I decided to learn more about him.
             "So, all powerful legend, are you enjoying the party?" he teased.
             "So you knew?" I asked.
             "'Course I did. I could tell you from a werewolf in a second." I laughed then averted my eyes. "Whats wrong?" he asked. I didn't respond. " You've looked uncomfortable this whole time. Are you upset about the whole 'feeding' thing?" his voice lowered as he said it.
             "No, not that at all! I was wondering, how do you take the glare and side glances? C'est dur." I knew this was a touchy subject, but I wanted to know
             "It's not easy, but it's the only look 've ever gotten from people." he looked away from me.
             "I don't want to be pushy, but If you need to talk I'm here!" I smiled at him. He smiled back tiredly.
             "It just hurts. The way people look at you like you murdered their child, it just... hurts. If I'm being honest here I'd say that the looks, not the comments, are what hurt the most, but what can you do. People fear me, hate me. I don't even understand why they hate me. It's like they forgot that demons have familes and wives and kids." He looked at me and blushed. "Shoot I'm rambling, I'm sorry!"
             "No, no! It's ok. I never thought about it that way. What about all the drinking, if its ok to ask?"
             "You keep glanceing nervously at the bar and anyone with a drink in there hand, are you alright?" I asked. He glanced nervouly across the half druken crowd. "Did somthing happen? You can tell me!"
             "It was my...dad... he use to... " he paused and sighed. "It's nothing, I'm fine." he grabbed my hand. "Thanks for letting me talk though, you're a good friend." he let go and walked away. I opened my hand to see a crumbled paper. I opened it. I giggled as I saw his number next to a bunch of unreadable doodles. He was such a cute dork. I hid the paper in my pocket as James came over, grabbed me, and yanked the recorder out from the table. He dragged me to a confrence room.
            There some of the most important kingdoms rulers sat chatting. The angles, vampires, werewolves, faries, shapeshifters, a few demi gods, skinwalkers, and a few others were present.
            "There!" he put the recorder infront of them. "The bait worked!" he looked at me and smiled. I felt the color drain from my face as the realization came in. They used me to try and get info on Shadow.
            James dragged me to the corner where we stood like obediant dogs. I clentched my fists. My anger boiled up. They used me like some dirty mutt! I bit my tongue. They'll regret it once they listen to the tape. An angle pushed the button and they started listening to our conversation.
             Their faces all turned to horror as they got to the sad part. They looked at me.
             "How old is he?" an angle asked.
             "16." I replied. All off the people here had children of their own. I guess they never expected this. I could sence their emotions. Sorrow, regret, pity, shame. If Shadow found out about this I'm sure he'd kill me. The queen of werewolves, Rosia, turned to me with a serious expression.
             "Elijah, we need you to get close to Shadow in any way you can. This tape could be an act." Rosia explained. Everyone murmered in agreement as their guilt faded.
             I felt my anger rise. Am I just a toy?! I was made a servant, I get that, but I refuse to be a slave against good people. I heared Gods voice whispering.
            "Now's the time. Rebel!"
            "Non." I looked her in the eye. Every one stared at me in shock.
            "Elijah, what are you doing!" my brother whispered agressivly. I looked into a mirror not to far from me. My eyes clouded over again, but this time one was purple and one was white. You could still make out the faint line between my sclera (the white part of an eye) and the iris of my eye (the usally colored part) even though they were the same color.
            "He may be a "freak" but no one deserves to be betrayed like that. Honte à toi!" they all looked at me as if I were insane. Whispering filled the room, not from us though. Disembodied voices talked and whispered around us. I reconized it as the voices of Gods servants speaking in agreement. I guess everyone else reconized them to as they looked around in shock. "See, God agrees with me!"
            "Elijah, thats enough!" James roughly grabbed my arm, excused us quickly, and drug me outside the confrence room and a few hallways down. "What were you thinking!? Your only job was to stand there and take orders!" he whispered aggresivly.
            "Well I'm not some service dog! I won't stand by and hurt innocent people!" James rubbed his head frustratedly. He turned around and sighed.
            "That- wierdo! He is not innocent!" he yelled without turning around.
            "He's more innocent than you! You've killed just as many as he has! You're not innocent you-"
            James turned around and socked me in the face. I fell into the wall and hit my head on a picture frame, shattering the glass before falling onto the floor. Blood spilled from cuts covering my head, back, neck, and busted lip.
           "Elijah, I didn't - I- I'm-" James stuttered. I got up and ran away from him. Minutes felt like hours as I ran.
           I rushed into a bathroom and spit blood into the sink. I looked into the mirror. I looked horrible, covered in blood and glass. I couldn't go back out looking like this. I grabbed a small piece of glass from my neck and pulled.
           "Agh! Ugh!" I groaned. There was a knock on the door.
           "Is everything ok in there?" I reconized Shadows voice.
           "Shadow, I need your help!" I walked over to the door and opened it forcably. Shadow looked at me and his eyes widend.
           "What happened?" he put both hands on my sholder as he checked over all my wounds.
           "Got into a bar fight!" I said proudly in a funny way. He didn't laugh though, if anything he looked a little more angry.
           "Who did this?" he asked furiously, pulling his hands away. I quickly grabbed his hands to calm him down.
           "Hey, I'm fine, I just need your help getting cleaned up." his eyes softened. He lead me to a bench in the hall and sat me down before rummaging through the bathroom and coming back with a medkit. He used tweasers to pull the glass out and he used magic to numb areas on my neck, face and back where he had to give me stiches. His sewing skills were almost perfessional. When he was done he bandaged me up. "Thank you."
           "No problem, how do you feel?"
           "Fine, again, thank you!" I replied. His face started blushing a lot. He sighed, then he leaned up and kissed a bandage on my forehead. I giggled at the redness of his face. He stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up.
           "Now," his eyes grew a little angryer. "who did this?" he asked in a gruff voice that sent chills down my spine. He noticed and cleared his throat.
           "No one! I promise, please just leave it alone." I looked him directly in the eyes, pleading with him to let it go. He sighed. He definitly had the protective vibe rolling off of him.
           "If anyone hurts you again you'll tell me, right?" he asked. I nodded at him. "Ok, well I need to meet with some of the kingdoms, so I talked to you later."
           "Alright, sure! Je vous remercie!" he started to turn but he paused.
           "Do you perhaps wanna hang out tomorrow?" I felt my face grow warm. I smiled warmly.
           "Yea, sure! Can you text me the details, I'm pretty much good for any time."
           "Alright, how about tomorrow at noon, meet at the movie theater?"
           "Sounds great!" he gave me a wink, then walked away. Wait, did we just set up a date?

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