chapter 1

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It has been long since i join the volleyball team, i have always like that sport . My dad used to play with me i never thought that it woud turned out like this.

He was my only family the last one.

. . . .

Ofter that i move with my uncle Sojiro , he was good about me moving in ,some how.

You'r P.O.V

I hope im not bothering him so much "So we're Sojiro house" i wonder while i was walking jongen-something . Thene listened familiar voice "Is that you (Y/N)?" i tourn around to see a person with purple ayes that were cover by the glasses . She had long orange hair and headphones.


Wene i was six years old , dad woud bring me for the summer to Sojiro hauce i would play with futaba . We dint live so far it ,was like a nine hour drive . We were really close , put wene l started middle school we had to move.

I olways had problems with my classmates and wath not . Im kinda self counscious and have really hard times trusting somebody.

"Futaba " i hugged he "um-mm (y/n) y-your squishhinh me"
i dint realice that i was hugging her way to tight.
"Im sorry is just that i miss you"

It has been so long since the last time l visit the neighborhood ,it changed so much "btw what are you doing here" "I kinda got lost in the way "
"You still got no sence of direction" she said whit a fase that said "for real"
"Well you see-ee" Futaba took my hand "well lets get going, sojiro is probably waithing"

This brings back memories...

" AND were hare" futaba said extending her arms .Well Leblanc has changed too i though to my self.
"Sojiro (y/n) is here " Sojiro faces were futaba is "well its been a while (f/n)" he said whit a smirk while scratching the back is his neck."it really as been , by the way you can call me by my first name no need to be so polite"

"all right" he let out a chuckle "im sorry for your father" "dont be things like this apends" "whill you be ok "
" don't worry i will fine" he had a serious tone for a second "So we're is she gene stay you know she can stay in my room " Futaba interups with a smile "Well your room is too small for two persons...sigh" guess l dont have other choice !HEY KURUSU come down here "
Who is hes colling "Don't tell me" futaba says with a weird expresion some boy with frizzi hair and grey eyes came down stairs he was wearing some comfortable clothes. "Well kurusu you have a new roommate " "WHAT " Futaba yells in surprise "she's my niece don't do eney thing funny whith her understand"
"Yes understand " the frizzi hair guy said, why do he call him boss?

"For today im gene close early Futaba lest go" Futaba says something to my ear "have fun" thene she walks outside and thene Sojiro following
That kinda the contrary of what sojiro said put ho well " ho do you have clodes or so something for the night "
"Yeah i have some in my backpack " "make sure to sleep well "thene Sojiro left levying me whith some random boy that i dont even know the name of "emm what your name " i ask the guy whith frizzi hair " Akira kurusu"
"Well nice to meet you kurusu" he has some kind of serious fase put he has a really pleasant aura i cant really put my finget on it.

"meaw" was the next thing i heard it was a cat?
Thens i felt something on my leg i look down and see a cat pushing against my right leg.
"You seem to like her huh morgana"
"Morgana .. this is your cat " i said whith sparkles in my eyes
"Yeah " i started patting morgana hes...cute

"How did you came up with that name " still pating the cT
"It just came out "we talked for a while to get to know heach other i look at the time its allmost 10:00
"Hey wanna go to sleep is allmost 10:00" he answered whith a nod he dont see to be tipe to talk much i notice while we were talking. And with that went up stairs
I was olding morgana in my harms while we went up stair.
(and you may be asking is this relevant in some way hahaha of course not )
"Ho you know were i can chage into my pijamas" he stay there thiking for a moment
"i can waith for you to change down stairs you can yell wene your finish " he said while going down stairs.

Well at least i got the hole room to my self , im suprise of how big this room is and is not messy at all actually is pretty clean. Well i dont really want him to waith to long down stairs so change in one sec . While i was changing i heard some voices down stairs "was he talking to someone? " wene i was finish i went down stairs

"Kurusu im done" wen i went down there was no one just him and the cat is he one of tose people who talk to their cats? "is something bothering you" i was suprise to the suden question "no not at all " he look at me for a sec
"well lets go to sleep you, can sleep in the bed"
"Is that all right whith you" he give a nod. Well he agreed to it so guess there not a problem . We went to sleep morgana came to cuddle while i sleep he dint seem to mind.

An:wow that took a long time 927 worst i can't imagen 1500

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