chapter 4

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still your p.o.v

I wake up before Futaba she was still sleeping. I think l gene go to Leblanc. I do neet to wash my clodes l have been wearing them two days in a row.

Well let's get relly i put my clodes on and thene lm relly to ahead. Futaba house is not relly that far away from Leblanc. Eney way l got there. Morgana was in the entrance "good morning morgana " i said while patting is head he's so cute.

"I should get to my room " i open the door morgana enters with me. Thene surely he stops looking down
" are you okey morgana " thene he walks towards akira/my room something seems wrong i wonder wath it is.

Wow l problebly woke up relly early because akira is still sleeping even boss i dint saw him wene i enter to Leblanc. Want time it is 7:00am thene no wonder. No one likes to be woken up at this time.

For a second stare at akira and he looks like a cat wene he sleep. Fluffly and cute I extended my hand to touch is frezzi hair is quite soft put morgana thene meaws. I think that a signal to stop touching is hair.
"Morgana are you hungry " he just meaws
"Let's go to eat something " i put his food in his bol.

Well is not to late to go and explore and l need to wash my clodes. Hopefully that's open well let's go i grab the clodes that i will wash "see you later morgana" i wonder why he looks so sad. I wonder if morgana is ok. Well let's go wash my clodes.

Time skip

Ho Sojiro is hare "did you sleep well " i just nodded.
Morgana berly touch is food maybe he was not that hungry."by the way you gene go to school tomorrow there's your uniform " he puts it in a table
"Thanks Sojiro " i grab the uniform.

"Remamber to go to the faculty office so your teacher can tell you your class" i just nodded. Is not like i haven't seen the school before. "How was your night " Futaba put her arms in my shoulder. "It was okay your
"My was great are planing going somewhere" said futaba
"I plan to go somewhere put l dont know we're"
"Let's go to buy a game a game that i relly want to have" Futaba seems relly excited "Put are you sure you can handle that many people "

"Of curse " "Okey you win let's go put ofter we go for a burger im relly hungry " i hope that Futaba can have fun.
"Do you mind if i invite other person " i wonder who is she gene invite "No not at all" . "Okey then let me get him" she goes up stairs "!WAKE UP SKEEPI HEAD!"

Wait he still sleep some thimes lm in press of Futaba. I'm glad that she got out of that cave. "Well Akira is relly let's go buy that game" i wondered why Akira carring a bag well it doesn't matter "well let's go to the adventure "

Tv:in breaking news the phantom thiefs have differed mejet who knows how put who gene be the next target of the phantom thiefs.

Thoes phantom thiefs have been pretty famous lately wath do you think there methods are. "Should we get going (l/n)" i was looking at the TV that l dint notice that they were alrelly going " Akira you can call me by my first name and lm going" i said it olmost quietly

We went to the store and o boy there were a lot of people over hare. I'm getting i little uncomfortable put i can feel Futaba getting relly uncomfortable she is even holding my harm and Akiras.

We got separate in search of the game Akira went whit Futaba because i was scare wath can apend .I found it is right are in just have to ask for it. Ore may be interested can call the others put i don't have there numbers.

I can resist large crowds put talk to a stranger danger person is other story. Okey l have to prepare mentally "hello may l help you "holy sweets were did she come from "m-aayyy i-i-i have t-that game " "Sure come whith me"
Well that was hard put l got the game . Put were are they my ayes coud a group of people around something are someone.

I go toke a look and i faind futaba curl in to a ball "Futaba are you okey" "Ho hi (y/n) d-o you got the game "
"Yes let's go out of hare " i took Futaba out of three and
"Futaba were Akira "
"I think we got separated wene i sow one of my favorite games of all times " i see futaba looking at the bag were the game lm surprised that she can hold it together.

"Do you want it that bad "she nodded "hare you go" thene i felt someone grabbed my shoulder for one minute I make a sound similar to a kya. It was Akira he olmost gife me a heart attack."Are you okey "
"I think so " Futaba stares at me "(y/n) yours get scared relly easy eney way let's go and get something to eat we got the game we have no more business are".

We went to big bang burger the we took the challenge and non won put l fell thike my guts has level up (An: okey no ) Futaba went her way and we and akira were olone

An:lm gene end the chapter hare because I'm olmost at 1000 words put weith for the other chapter thanks for 30 reads

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