Extra Little Bonus

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In honor of 10.2k reads I felt like I should do a small thank you and an extra little bonus chapter just to show you guys how appreciative I am about this. Who knows, maybe this is the first chapter to a new story! C;

I honestly cant believe this story has made it this far. Like wow. Um. .That's a lot of people reading this story. It's super dupperly wonderful seeing all the comments and votes and literally they make me smile every time. So here you are, a possible new chapter?? I dunno. Let your little minds imagine.

~LindsayChappell <3


Two long years had gone by since the.. Accident. It really wasn't even an accident, more like a giant misunderstanding, and a giant battle between two sides. Nonetheless, the couple had chosen to forget it, only going to a few therapy sessions a month.

Karkat went to the doctor for regular check ups on his emotional state. Due to the fact that it dropped so low during that time, Dave decided to take it into his own hands to make sure his husband was alright and okay for as long as he lived. He also had to keep his daughter from knowing about the past. Not until she was older.

Cecelia rushed into the living room, making airplane noises this week. Last we she thought it would be fun to be a monster truck, this week: airplane. She spun around, her arms open wide, tilting side to side as she turned around the couches and chairs. She only got so far before she was scooped into Dave's arms, a warm smile on his face. Cecelia squeaked slightly, but began to giggle. "Airplanes cant be picked up that easily." There she went debating things like her other, trolly father.

"Yeah. True. But maybe I'm just super strong and you don't even know it." He replied teasingly. Sometimes these little battles would go on and on until Karkat would break them up. It seemed like Dave was another child in the house. "Now, I'll show you what it's like to really fly." Dave held her carefully around his side, jogging around the room. She actually kid of looked like an airplane. Dave joined along in the airplane noises before setting her down, patting her head. 

Just then Karkat walked through the door, tossing his keys down on the side table, hanging his coat on the hanger. He looked a bit disheveled, but that was Karkat for you.. He sighed, running a hand through his messed up hair. Karkat turned to look at Dave, as Dave turned back the glance. Something was up, it was.. odd. Dave broke the small silence. 

"Hey Cecelia, want a snack?" He asked, keeping his red eyes fixed upon Karkat until she spoke up. Her answer was yes of course. So  Dave and her traveled into the kitchen getting her a few strawberries and some apple juice. They came back out and Dave sent her up to her room to play. Once she was gone and playing, Dave walked over to him.

"What's up?" He asked, rather quietly. Dave never really wore his shades around the house, not wanting to give Cecelia the impression that hiding things was okay.. so his red eyes stayed in touch with Karkat's red ones as well. 

"It's.. worrisome. All of the memories are suddenly flushing back.. and it's not okay. In the two years after.. that.. it hasn't been as bad as it is now." Karkat looked down towards his feet, breaking the exchanged glance. He was pulled into a tight hug, a light kiss placed on his head. "I'm really scared.." He mumbled, a few little tears pricking from his eyes. 

Dave pulled Karkat's chin up to their eyes met again. He pressed a small kiss to his lips, then put their foreheads together. "Remember that I said I'd always protect you?" He shut his eyes for a second, then opened them back up. Dave rubbed Karkat's cheeks, getting the red, dreary tears away. 

Karkat nodded slightly, beginning to sniffle. This moment couldn't be more real. It wouldn't be more emotional than what had really happened. But it did? It felt like Sollux was jamming a knife into his heart, just twisting it and twisting it, cackling away at his own demise. "I wonder what he thought of.. "

"Karkat, we aren't talking about this, not now, maybe when Cecelia isn't here, but I don't want to take the chance of her finding out. Not this soon. I'm not ready." Dave pecked Karkat's lips a few times, then his cheek. "Okay?" He looked at the little troll, just wanting to scoop him up and hug him like he did. But then it would turn into a sobfest, and Terezi would have to come take Cecelia over for a roleplay session(Which she's gotten very good at, thanks to Terezi). It had already happened more than once. 

If she found out this young, it would be something she wouldn't understand. But the memories would just carry on in her mind. The fact that someone nearly caused the death of both of her fathers is unbelievable, unreal. But without Sollux, though it's a hard thing to swallow, they would have never gotten Cecelia, and their flushed feelings probably would have remained silent. Is it bad to say they were a little thankful.. for their daughter, of course? Not for the actions, but the followthrough of them.

It was really odd to think about. So both of them stopped, hugging eachother tightly. Karkat rested his head on Dave's shoulder as Dave gently papped Karkat's back. "It'll be alright, it's always worked out, and it will continue to be that way." He nuzzled his head into Karkat's fluffy hair.

                                         the word always is a strong term to use. 

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