Chapter 6

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After they leave they walk around

Do you want know what happend

Yes so tell me

"Well" He then rubs the back of his neck " 8 years when she was 11 and I was 15 we ran away and two months after we ran away they found us and our dad had sent people to take us back and two of the guys he sent one had chain magic the other had poison magic the one guy caught Lucy then she transformed into her wolf form and bite the guys arm and  the other guy shot poison magic at Lucy and that ended up hitting the leg that the chain was attach to and there magic ended up messing up her leg but we did escape from them and then we were found by gramps but ever sense that day her leg has been messed up we don't know why it doesnt effect her human form leg but she can't do anything in her wolf form anymore and she been trying to stay in that form for a while and the boys are trying to help her but that doesn't seem to be working so now she can only be in her half wolf form so their now you know what happend to her

Oh I see that's terrible

Yep sure is can you help me with something

Sure what is it

I know Lucy going to hate doing this but I going to ask if you would be able to maybe have her move in at your house

Wait why

I didn't want to say it to you but I think it might work

Yeah and what could that be

Because the guys that wants to bring us back and knows where Lucy lives at and might come and take her but they don't know where I live at and I was going to have the boys live with me until I save up enough or they do to buy them a house to live in so they don't end up getting hurt ether

Wait you would trust me living with you sister

"I trust you that you won't try anything and you won't hurt her because if you do hurt her i'll personally kill you even though she has a crush on you for it"

Yep got it I won't

Good now don't forget what I just told you now lets head back it's starting to get dark out

When is she supposed to move in by

In three days one day to convenience her to move in with you but if I make good timing and have her pack the same day it might be two days at the most so you'll get to spend even more time with her it's just like your married if you two live together that's what you want isn't it

Okay yes but she wouldn't want to marry me

You'll be surprised about that

Wait what do you mean

Not saying find out yourself now where done talking about that

They get to the house and go inside

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