chapter 17

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Well if you ever want me to come over just call me

I'll have Bixlow okay for you to come over sense this is his house

(Thinking) It's our house your living with me and its not like you bring guys over here or I would be seriously jelouse if it aint Laxus Freed or those two idiots they can't come over she's mine well not yet at least but she's going to be

Well then I better get going take good care of our Lucy

I will

After they left


Why is your face red

Can you let go of my hand please

Bixlow looked at his hand and forgot he was holding her hand then Bixlow let go but was a little sad because he wanted to hold her hand longer

Are you okay with them knowing

Yeah I also dont want a mistake of what I made when I was little

What do you mean

Well when I was little I had a crush on this one boy we used to play together all the time we used to play castle I used to be his princess he had to save which I thought was cute and I didn't tell him I was actually a real princess and I should have told him and I never seen him sense the day u ran away and we promised to stay together forever I said that i'll might never be able to see you again and that i'll miss you and he cried he wanted to go with me I said my brother is going to go with me and this is also so I can keep you safe then Laxus found me with him and picked me up and ran and the boy started to run after us but he couldn't catch up (starts crying) and he stood their crying and yelled my name but he was also friend with Laxus so I knows that i'll be safe with him so I didn't get a to tell him that I was the princess before I left

Bixlow hugs Lucy and thinks about something that happened when he was a kid and has a weird feeling its not jealousy he only had this feeling once when his friend left

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