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Marco Reus..

I didn't know, everytime i saw him i felt that something was missing in my life and it's really hurting me. I felt like i miss him so much eventhough i didn't know him. Was he really my boyfriend? Did i really had just talked with him a second before the accident? But why? Why was only him that i couldn't remember. Only him.


2 days before


"Yes.. It's finished," Gemma said as she clapped her hands twice. She took a long breath and pushed it away in a second. She threw his gaze, staring out of her apartment window. It was snowy outside. It was normal to happen in February, which was also this month was the coldest time in the winter.

Gemma walked to the window. She looked down into the courtyard of her apartment which now had turned to white because of the snow. Although there were still some areas that hadn't been covered by snow, but it was only a small part. It indicated that the snow fell pretty heavy last night.

She checked the time when she saw Mrs. Brant was walking through the courtyard with her five years old daughter. 8 o'clock in the morning. It seemed that she wanted to take her daughter to school since the little girl carried a backpack on her back. They walked hand in hand while talking. Gemma smiled at herself. It was a simply moment but it was really wonderful, the thing that she never had in her life. Her mom was busy with her things and didn't care about her family. She grew with her dad. Sometimes she felt that she was jealous with her friends who had a good relationship with their mom but she realised that she had to let that feeling go because it was impossible for her. Besides she had many people who loved her instead of her mom. Her family, her friends, and her Marco.

Marco, yes Marco.. She couldn't say it with words how much she loved him. He was the man of her life, the man of her dream, the one and only love for her. At first it was a silly story, they knew each other when she worked as an assistant of Sigfried Held and since the first day she knew him, they always fight and argued. Marco Reus was a bastard and sucks, it was what she thought about him. But day by day passed, many things happened and then suddenly she found herself fell in love with him. And the more she knew about him, the more she fell for him.

A year gone by since she decided to let Marco Reus came into her life. Suddenly her life changed and sometimes she felt that it was like a fairy tales. People began to know about her and that was why finally she had to make her instagram became a private account because she felt her life now like be watched while Marco and her wanted to keep their life and love story in private.

Gemma turned her head to see her stuff that already neatly packed. 2 big suitcases, 2 big hand bags, and one box. She couldn't carry them all in her flight. She just had 20kg free for the bagage, otherwise it would be quite troublesome if she brought them all alone. So she decided to bring 1 suitcase and 1 hand bag for the cabin and then she would send the rest direct to Dortmund by the expedition.

Yeah.. Today was the last day she was in London. She would fly to Dortmund tomorrow morning and started the new life, together with Marco. Actually Marco already asked her to live together with him after she finished her study in Giessen last year but she decided to go to London to deepen her study and took a part time job. She chose that way because she wasn't a girl who liked to be the attention of many people. She was just a simple ordinary girl. She realized, when she decided to dating Marco, her life would changed and people would give her many judgments. But she didn't wanna care about it. She loved Marco not because he was a famous football player who had a lot of money but she loved him as a person. And although he wasn't the Marco Reus, a famous football player, she would still love him.

Gemma sighed slowly. She moved from the window and made her way to the bedroom. Her bedroom now looked empty. Almost all of the stuff had packed into the suitcases and box. There were only some items that she would need for today and tomorrow which were still there. Gemma took her bag from the bed. Although she felt a bit lazy because of the cold weather but she had to go out to wrap up some pending things and bought some souvenirs for Marco and her friends in Germany.

It was nine o'clock when Gemma left her apartment. The first destination was the bank. She had to closed her bank account and sent all of her money to her bank account in Germany. Then she would go to the expedition office to arrange the shipping of her stuff from London to Dortmund. What a busy last day but she also excited. She couldn't wait to start her new life with Marco in Dortmund. Marco and also Molly, a chihuahua which Marco bought for her at the beginning of this year.

One o'clock past ten, finally Gemma arrived at Harrods. She was there to buy a scarf that she saw couple days ago when she accompanied her friend. She thought, that scarf would be fit for Marco and she would buy it for him. All this time, it was always Marco who gave her something and now was her turn to give him something.

Gemma didn't need too much time to buy the scarf. After she got what she wants, she immediately left that one of famous shopping mall in London. Gemma checked the time when she was outside the Harrods. Almost two o'clock. Oh my god, that was why she felt so hungry. She hadn't have a lunch today and only ate two pieces of toast and one glass milk as her breakfast this morning.

Gemma stopped at the junk food restaurant to buy some meals. Burger and french fries were enough for her. She didn't have appetite in this condition. Her mind was already in Dortmund and if everything could be finished today, she wanted to change her departure from tomorrow to today.

Her phone rang when she was about to leave the restaurant. She stopped for a while and took her phone from her bag. A wide smile appeared on her face when she looked at the name which showed at the phone screen. Marco.

"I think that you're still at the Brackel," said Gemma once she answered the phone.

"Yes i am. But i can't wait until i come home to call you," said Marco.

"Crap!" Gemma said, but she couldn't hide her happiness. "What do you want?" She asked.

"I wanna hear your voice and i wanna know is everything had finished before you leave tomorrow,"

"I'm not a little girl Marco. I can handle everything and yes, everything had finished by myself," said Gemma as she made her way towards the bus stop.

Snow started to fall again, but it wasn't as swift as last night. Gemma looked up to the sky, watching the white granules were falling down while talking with Marco. "Yes, i can't wait too. Call me when you were home, okay? .. I love you too Marco," said Gemma before she ended the call. She smiled at herself as she watched her phone screen for a while, then she switched her eyes to the street from the bus stop where she was standing now.

There were so many cars passing there. It was normal. It was the center of the city. At the left of the bus stop, there were a crowd of people who stood. They were waiting for the pedestrian light turned to green. And suddenly the dog appeared from the crowd. The dog ran across the road and behind it apparantly there was a little boy who was chasing the dog. The boy ran after the dog crossing the road without paid attention to the passing cars. Someone yelled at him to stop crossing but he ignored it. At the same time, Gemma saw a car sped towards the boy with a quite high speed. People who was there started screaming, it seemed like they knew what was going to happen next.

Gemma didn't know why her body was reflex to move. She ran to the boy. And the next moment, everything turned to dark.

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