Life Is Unpredictable...

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Everyone called him CC. Why? No one asked why.  Maybe because he had an unpronounceable Chinese name, maybe someone who started this in school kept a twisted nick name, maybe his friends were just too freaking lazy. Well whatever, it stuck on like glue to paper. He didn’t mind, when a person hits his mid-twenties, life just becomes a movie with too many actors and no plot. And the last thing you worry about is how people call you.  CC was the typical Asian guy, when I say typical I don’t mean the American stereo type, I meant reality. Gaming and studies flamed half his teen ages, his better-half iced the rest.  Like Ying and Yang, he knew what he wanted and he lived in the moment. 


CC’s girlfriend was the light of hope in a dark and eerie tunnel. She kept a tab on his drinking and partying, kept a tab on his studies, kept a tab on his life really. I know this sounds like she was literally on his back pointing directions, but CC needed it. If life was a car for CC, she was the GPS. 2 years ago everything came crumbling down; they say when it rains it pours and this was the time when that phrase made sense.  

Before his girlfriend came into this life, his mother was his guardian angel. Every boy is a Mama’s boy, so was CC. As much as his mom guided him and took care of him, the same woman spoilt him with little guilty pleasures. If his siblings got 10 chocolates he would get 15. The surplus is the value of being mom’s favourite. But as a guy who would complain right. His dad passed away when he was 13. Through-out most of the fruitful stage of his life, his mom was the saving grace. Looking after his sister and brother and still being the superwoman every mom tends to be. Despite all this, being the young one in the family, made CC suffer the least. He was often pampered, firstly by dad, then by mom, and later by siblings, whatever he wanted he usually got it, let say he probably already had it.


Reminiscing about his past always brought tears to the eyes; CC wasn’t the type to be emotionally swayed. But then one day life struck him. Well not life literally, perhaps reality struck him. After his degree, while waiting for the results, he was loitering around; despite the pressure from parents he was idling and oblivious to reality. Every student in life would have done that, how many of us find excuses to procrastinate work, after degree. And “waiting for my results” tops the chart of excuses. Two things happened that made his life hit red light and forced him to take a turn in the junction.  His 4 year girlfriend got the perfect job, well let’s say ideal, and perfect seems a bit too unrealistic. Her ideal job came in Beijing, CC knew Malaysia and China weren’t really far, just a short flight. But just as vodka with its effects, the pain struck his heart after she bid farewell. With a sudden emptiness inside he survived for 3 days and 7 hours, when he got a call to come to the hospital.  The next news crushed him further beneath this dark and empty abyss. His mom was diagnosed with cancer, stage 2. Doctors assured that it is curable and she will survive, however the word cancer these days pierces harder than a pointed spear.  With his sister being married and brother working in the Mainland, she had but one request.  This is what she quoted lying on the doctor’s bed, “whole life I spent for you three, now I want to see my family.” After discussing with brother it was decided, to send mom to see her relatives in China and continue her treatment there.  With two parts of his heart in China, Malaysia felt like an unfamiliar place.


 Two years went by; his girlfriend and his mom keep in touch repeatedly. Her work and the mom’s health have been on the upswing.  He has changed now, he has reformed so much.  CC knew if he worked hard, he can earn money for his family now and his family in the future.  He once read that, “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.” Well he had none, 2 years have made him a different man.

A smile crept on his face, pondering about how he used to be and how he is now; the thought always brings a smile across your face.  Despite being different the void left by his girlfriend and mom was unforgettable.  It was about time that void gets refilled. So, right now he sat in KLIA waiting for time, minutes, and seconds to tick away so he gets an inch closer to filling that void. His mind kept playing different scenarios of joy when he meets his mom and then his girlfriend. CC was smiling even wider now, happiness was calling him and after 2 years of sorrow he was literally running towards it. Like who wouldn’t right?


The voice over his head blared, “Final call for the Malaysian Airline flight MH 370.” He checked his boarding pass, checked his passport, lifted his hand luggage, and walked into the passageway and into the jet bridge. Finally, his car was going airborne. He smiled one last time, thinking of the last 2 years, and lastly on how his life will now be complete and then he boarded.







*MH 370 opened everyone’s eyes. Regardless of race, religion, colour and personality, the emotions that MH 370 stirred are all mutual. It made me realize that 239 people on board, all would have gotten on the plane with different agendas, different dreams, different hope and to see it as a slow, fading light is saddening for all. They said the plane had 153 Chinese, 38 Malaysians, 6 Australians, so on and so forth but to me the plane had 239 humans. I’m not going to be optimistic or pessimistic, but rather believe and pray for those humans on board, like I stated in the start of this disappearance, praying for them is the least we can do. Thank you - Salik*

*This story is complete fiction* 

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