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Is this guy serious? Jimin asks himself. He's currently at some low-class restaurant sitting across from this guy that Hoseok set him up with. He really regrets saying yes to this blind date. And this is only the first of two.

"Who's your favorite philosopher?" The guy—Namjoon—asks Jimin with a small smile on his face.

"Oh, uh, I've never really thought about that before. I guess I'd have to say... um..." Jimin's at a loss for words.

"How about I give you a few options to choose from?" Namjoon offers. "Lets start with Aristotle. He was an Ancient Greek philosopher and scientist born in Stagira, Chalkidice..."

Jimin totally zones out as Namjoon talks his ear off, telling him random facts about Aristotle that nobody cares about. Did Hoseok seriously think that these two would be compatible? This has got to be a joke.

"I'm hungry! I'm hungry! I'm hungry!" Jimin hears a loud, deep voice whine from behind Namjoon. His eyes follow where the sound is coming from and sees... Jungkook? With that whining guy hanging all over him.

"Tae, we're at the restaurant. What more to you want?" Jungkook frowns at his friend.

"Yeah, shut the hell up." A third, shorter male adds in.

The trio is seated and, unfortunately, Jungkook is seated facing Jimin. The reason it's unfortunate, is because at the moment their eyes meet, Namjoon takes Jimin's hand.

"You know what? Lets stop talking about philosophers. I'm more interested in you." Namjoon smiles cutely. Jimin, flustered, quickly pulls his own hand away.

"I-I'm not a very interesting person." Jimin shakes his head. Is it just his imagination or does Jungkook look furious?

"Nonesense." Namjoon laughs. "You know, I really like you. I don't want this night to come to an end." Jimin can barely focus on what Namjoon's even saying because is Jungkook walking over right now? For some reason, Jimin feels really weird... like he's cheating?

"Excuse me." Jungkook interrupts.

"Can I help you?" Namjoon asks.

"Yeah, actually, you can leave. That'd be a great help." Jungkook smiles sweetly.

"Um, kid, why don't you go back to your little friends?" Namjoon rolls his eyes and tries to redirect his attention to Jimin again.

"Jimin, What the hell are you doing?" Jungkook asks suddenly.

"You know this child?" Namjoon scoffs.

"Child? I'm no child. I'm his boyfriend." Jungkook tells Namjoon. Boyfriend? Jimin feels like his heart is about to pound out of his chest at the word. Him and Jungkook definitely aren't dating, but hearing that word coming out of Jungkook's mouth... Jimin could die happily.

"Boyfriend? But... Hoseok said..." Namjoon looks at Jimin, confused.

Jimin shoots back an apologetic expression. "I agreed to this three months ago." Jimin starts.

"Three months ago? We were still together back then." Jungkook cuts in. Jimin bites his lip nervously.

"I-I should go." He suddenly stands. Jungkook then grab his hand and pulls him away from Namjoon and even past his gawking friends.

Maybe he was just trying to save me because I looked so miserable? Yeah. That's it. It was all an act. Jimin thinks to make himself feel better and not overreact.

Once they're outside, Jungkook lets go of Jimin's hand roughly, and faces him with that same angry expression.

"What?" Jimin asks.

"What the hell are you doing out with another guy?"

Jimin's heart races. Is he... jealous? Concerned?

"Our contract is supposed to be exclusive. What the hell?" Jungkook reminds Jimin.

Jimin's heart and face fall a little at that. "Right... the contract." How could be be so stupid as to believe that Jungkook might share the same feelings he has? He must be an idiot for that one.

"Are you gonna explain yourself?"

"My friend set me up with this guy months ago. I just did it to make him happy. I still have one more to see though." Jimin says, voice flat sounding and unenthusiastic.

"One more? Don't see him." Jungkook shakes his head.

"I have to. I promised. Besides, I don't want to stand the poor guy up. It's not like I'm gonna date him or anything. I'll have dinner with him and then politely let him down." Jimin explains.

Jungkook looks at him with a hard expression. "Fine... fine." He sighs, obviously irritated. "Look... I should probably go back to my friends."

"You don't want to go back to my place instead?" Jimin offers hopefully.

"I told them I'd take them out for food tonight. You go back to your place alone for now." Jungkook tells him, already turning on his heel to renter the establishment.

"Alone?" Jimin asks himself. He's always alone. Just as he's about to walk to his car, Jungkook stops in his tracks.

"I almost forgot." Jungkook begins.

"What is it?"

"There's this thing on Saturday. At the events center in Daegu. I know it's like a two and a half hour drive, but I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. Nobody else will."

"What is it?" Jimin perks up a little.

"It's like a Christmas festival thing. They have all sorts of stuff there." Jungkook shrugs.

"This Saturday?" Jimin perks up.

"Yep. This Saturday."

"Okay. I can come." Jimin nods. "Oh, but I have my second blind date on Friday though."

"Ugh. Can't you just stand him up?"

"No. I couldn't do that to him." Jimin shakes his head.

"You're too nice." Jungkook mumbles. "Alright, well, go home and I'll be there later, maybe."

Jimin nods. Maybe is good enough for him, especially since Jungkook just invited him somewhere for the first time.

"Can I ask you something." Jimin asks before Jungkook can leave him again. Jungkook nods. "Why'd you tell him you were my boyfriend?"


"You told him you were my boyfriend. Why?"

"I just... I figured that'd be the best way to get you out of there." Jungkook shrugs, not making any eye contact. Jimin just nods. He was hoping for a little more than that, to be honest. He wanted Jungkook to say something like it's because you're mine or because I hated seeing you with another guy, but if Jungkook is good for anything, it's being complicated and vague.

Without saying anything else and accepting the fact that he's not going to get what he wants out of Jungkook, Jimin walks into the parking lot to his car.

He drives home in silence, and once he gets there, he feels conflicted. He's not sure whether he should be happy or sad. Should he ignore the fact that Jungkook doesn't feel the same way about him and just be happy that they're going to go do something together? Who knows. It's all too much to think about right now.

Jimin starts his usual nightly routine, hoping to hear his front door opening, and see Jungkook coming in.

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