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Jungkook sighs as he recalls the conversation he had with his parents just a few moments ago.

"I moved." Jungkook tells them.

"You moved? Do you even have the money for that? I mean, I know it's been a year since you graduated and you have a great job, but..." His mother starts.

"Money isn't a problem, mom. Look, all you need to know is that I moved in with someone." Jungkook clears his throat. "I moved in with my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" His father speaks up. "I didn't realize you were into guys."

"Well, you know how it goes." Jungkook coughs.

"Not really." His father replies.

"Anyway, I moved into his place, so..."

"So you didn't pay for it? It's his?" His mother asks.

"Yes, mom. He's lived here for years."

"How long have you been together? It can't have been long, Kook. Why are you moving in with him so soon?"

"Actually..." Jungkook starts. "I've been with him for like two years now."

His parents are silent on the other end. "You've been with him for two years and you never told us?" His mother shouts.

"Okay, well, in my defense, there was a reason we couldn't tell everyone yet." Jungkook tries to explain.

"And what would that be?"

"Well... he was one of my professors." Jungkook says quietly.

"One of your—oh my god." His mother yells, stepping away from the phone.

"Your mother is very upset, right now." His father tells him. "Look, just send us your new address and we'll be over for your birthday."

Just the thought of that conversation makes Jungkook cringe. It's going to be horribly fucking awkward when they meet Jimin. Especially since they've met him before.

They came to visit a few months back and Jungkook was still living in his old apartment. They had run into Jimin on the street, and of course he just had to say hi and introduce himself like an asshat.

"Don't you think I should meet your parents?" Jimin had asked Jungkook. The younger honestly couldn't answer. Sure, he wants Jimin to meet his parents, but the timing was all wrong. Now this is going to be so painfully awkward for everyone involved.

"Why're you sulking?" Jimin asks as he enters the apartment with groceries.

"Because I just got off the phone with my parents."

Jimin perks up. "And? What did they say?"

"They'll be over for my birthday." Jungkook groans. "Why're you so happy about this?"

"Because. Meeting your parents is the next step."

"The next step? The next step to what?" Jungkook asks.

"The next step in our relationship." Jimin rolls his eyes, setting the bags down and beginning to put food away.

"And what comes after that step?" Jungkook questions.

"Marriage." Jimin winks. Jungkook blushes.

"Don't you think it's a little too soon to be thinking about that?"

"Nope. Do you?"

"W-well, I guess not."

"Good." Jimin begins. "Because it's inevitable."

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