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Walking out of my job, I sighed. To be honest, the end of today couldn't come faster. Tonight my bestfriend was coming home. I have never been so incredibly excited. I was always excited when I saw him, if I'm honest. Maybe it was the way he lit up my world, or the way his laughter was contagious.

But I also know its because I need him at the moment. Myself personally, I haven't been the best. My heart hasn't been in the right place and I don't know what to do. I haven't been sad nor happy, just the in-between. Not seeing John in months due to touring, I was hoping our reunion would help clarify why I was so stuck in the middle.

My name is Layla Wilson, I am 26 years old and my best friend is John Mayer. Crazy, I know, to be honest I don't even know why he would want to be friends with me. I'm boring, I suppose, not at the level, especially international level that he is currently at. But John, god bless his heart, had run into me in the middle of the street in Auckland. Literally run into me, knocked me off my feet and flat onto my ass. Since then, we have been inseparable. I made the decision to move to America to broaden my outlook on life but also to be closer to John.

I know, it was pretty stupid moving half way across the world for some guy but hey, it wasn't all just for him, I did it for me too.

Unlocking our front door, in which I shared an apartment with him. Though these days, it just felt like my apartment, due to him never being home. And someone had to watch Moose. That became my job.

"Hi moose" I cooed as my doggie walked up to me, rubbing himself against everything he could. "Is your dad home?" I asked him as I leant down to pat him. He barked and ran back inside, which was an indication that maybe John was home.

Walking through the house, I prepared myself for whatever was about to jump out at me. "John I swear if you scare me I will play your body is a wonderland on repeat for 12 hours" I said in the most serious tone I could. "John, please" I begged with myself as I then sprinted for my room, Moose barking behind me. I hated being alone but I also hated not knowing if I was alone or not. Grabbing clothes to take a shower with, after I yelled out John once more, I decided that maybe he wasn't home yet. I left my clothes in my room and made a beeline for the shower.

"THIS IS A SHOUT OUT TO MY EX" I screamed as the UE boom successfully drowned out my voice, little mix being the only ones I could hear. "HEARD HE IN LOVE WITH SOME OTHER CHICK, YEAH YEAH THAT HURT ME ILL ADMIT. FORGET THAT BOY IM OVER IT" every ounce of my body felt that one, good going, Layla. Turning the shower off, I turned the music down, allowing little mix to play quietly in the background. Wrapping my towel around me, I stepped out of the bathroom, making my way towards my bedroom.

"LAYLA" A person screamed as I was walking down the hall. It was John. Obviously, I mean who else would it have been. John began to run towards me as I clutched the towel closer to my body. "John" I warned as his arms wrapped around my waist. He pulled me closer to him and I sighed, wrapping my arms around his body and pulling him close. "I missed you so much" I muttered to myself, but of course he had heard me. He always hears me, even when I'm trying to be subtle and talk to myself and myself only. "I miss you too Lay" He replied, smiling down at me.

"As fun as this reunion is, John, I have no clothes on and would like to put some on please" I blushed, turning a dark red as he laughed. That damn laugh, its one of the weirdest yet cutest things I have ever heard in my life. He clung even tighter to me as my eyes widened. "Whats wrong, Lay?" He chuckled as I felt the towel moving around. "John. I love you but please, save me some decency." I begged him as he finally let the grip he had on me go. I thanked the gods in my head as I walked quickly towards my room, shutting the door and locking it.

Putting my pyjamas on, I walked out of my room and ran to John, taking him by surprise and jumping on him. "This is the welcome ive been waiting for since I got here" He grinned cheekily as I stuck my tongue out at him. "I'm not gonna hug you properly in just a towel, Mayer the Player" I raised my eyebrow and laughter echoed through out the apartment. He smacked his hand against the couch and threw his head back as a grin started to form across my face. "Mayer the player?" he raised his eyebrow and I nodded. "Shall I order pizza?" I asked and John nodded, "yes please"

Getting up, I grabbed the gin off of my shelf and sighed. John doesn't drink anymore thank god but I do. Gin and tonic was my get away, really. Pouring myself a glass, I felt John leaning against the doorway of the kitchen. "The shits bad for you, ya know" he raised an eyebrow and I shrugged. "You were 26 once, John, leave me alone" I chuckled as I grabbed my cup and headed back for the couch. "Don't remind me that I'm old" John groaned, sitting next to me. "You're not old John" I smiled, "I mean you are. But youre still as hot as a 21 year old" I put my cup up to my lips and took a gulp. He raised an eyebrow at me, questioningly. "Surely you know your hot" I said again, smiling at him. "You fucked Taylor Swift for crying out loud" I said, making his smile disappear. "How did you-" "Everyone knows, John. It's pretty damn obvious" I giggled as I headed back to the lounge, my cup in one hand and my gin in the other. "She's a lucky girl" I called back into the kitchen.

John hadn't come back into the lounge but I could hear the soft strums of his guitar underneath the blearing sound of the television. I looked over to see his stupid guitar face. It was stupid but adorable at the same time, if that was even possible. Being 5 glasses in, I was on top of the world. The doorbell rang, which means it was the pizza. "ILL GET IT" I screamed as I ran towards the door. Opening it, the man who stood across from me was gorgeous. "Hi, handsome" I purred, dropping my eyes low as he gulped. "Here's that pizza you ordered" He laughed as my eyes lit up and I clapped my hands together. "Thanks, darling" I said as he handed the pizza over. "What's your name? If you don't mind me asking" I asked him and his cheeks went red. "My name is Jack" He smiled and turned around, walking away. "Till next time, Jack!" I called out before shutting the door. "What was that?" John laughed, walking towards me. "A little flirt, what did you think it was?" I said back to him, winking. John rolled his eyes and grabbed the pizza, walking back to the lounge.

He handed me a piece as he ate with his mouth open. "John, close ya damn gob" I said to him as I lowered my eyes. His eyes widened at me before his mouth shut, in which I returned a smile back to him. "How was tour?" I asked him before he grabbed another piece. "It was good. Sad, emotional, but good. I am so glad to be home though" He smiled as he winked at me. "did you find the one on the road?" I asked him as he scrunched his eyebrows back at me. "The one?" He replied as I nodded. He then let out a soft chuckle which in return earnt a chuckle from me. "Surely you gave your number to someone" I teased.

Then his phone buzzed and I looked at him. "Who's that?" I asked him, wriggling my eyebrows, "not some groupie texting you to tell you their pregnant, is it?" His eyes went wide as he looked at me, his phone shaking in his hands

"Its Katy."

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