~~ Unexpected ~~

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Vadim raised his bushy brows at her, "I assume you haven't seen it yet, I did wonder. There is a magical wall that encircles this base, it's invisible from the outside but very much visible from in here. It may look solid but it's possible to pass through it to get out.

"Although once you do, you will be stuck out there until someone on this side lets you back in at one of the three entry points. This base is different from the last in many ways, some good and some not so much but the security is impeccable, we will be hard pressed to be caught off guard by Demons this time."

L's frown remained on her face while she listened and only deepened when he reached the end. It seemed like Vadim was blaming himself for not being able to stop the last attack. So now they were all holed up in some kind of magical fort, sealed off from the rest of the world. She didn't like the sound of this wall, it would be possible for someone as cruel as Kreleth to use it to their advantage. She felt curiosity strike and knew she had to see this wall for herself when she got out of there. She needed more intel first, before the Council changed the subject or dismissed her.

"Who's in charge of this base then?"

She knew the Council had been in charge of the last base but who kept this one running while they were elsewhere. She saw an enigmatic look on Vadim's face when he looked at her.

"That would be a sub set of this Council, we have the all over the world at our other bases. The Supernatural live all over the world and so do Demons, therefore we need safe bases everywhere. You will meet this sub set tomorrow, we decided it would be easier for you to talk to us first, especially after what happened with Kreleth."

L understood that but his words just triggered another question.

"Then why didn't you have Bryce bring me to this base first instead of that last one, this one is obviously better protected?"

Maeve was the one to reply this time and her tone was on the softer side.

"Because we didn't want to overwhelm you any more than you already had been. The other base was friendlier, more laid back and it was meant for you to be eased into things... and it worked for the most part, didn't it?"

L considered how she would have felt if she'd come to this base first, she'd have seen the wall, the watchtower, the way everything seemed like some kind of prison and she would have freaked out. She'd have wanted to leave as soon as she arrived, she sighed and nodded to Maeve's question.

"Yes it did, I'd have run away from you all as soon as I arrived if you'd brought me here first instead of the other."

Maeve nodded expectantly and smiled wider at the reply. Vadim seemed about to say something when they all heard sudden, loud movements. 

Every single head including L's, looked up to see two giant faces hovering over the open roof. Gart and Lort were grinning down at them and L realised suddenly why the meeting halls she'd been in all had open roofs.

Vadim gestured up at them, "I'm sorry, in the midst of everything I forgot to let you both know about the change in plans. L will not be training today, we're going to start tomorrow instead."

L looked between the Ogres and Vadim in shock, "I was gonna train with Gart and Lort? I thought it was just Council members?"

She was stuck between a newfound surprise and amusement, she would have liked to train with the two of them- she had to admit she couldn't really see them as teachers. The abilities they had were pushing at the corners of her mind but she made an effort to force it back. She glanced up at the brothers again, they were still hanging over the edge of the roof and were grinning directly down at L now.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now