~~~ Unexpected ~~~

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Every member of the Council sub set was staring at her but unlike the first time this had happened, L didn't feel annoyed. She stood her ground and stared defiantly back at each of them. Vadim didn't come forward as he usually would, instead three of the new faces took a step closer to her and L got a better look at them.

Two were female and the other was male, L recognised one of the females as Reptilian, the male was a Were-Creature of some kind but L had no idea what the other female was. She looked almost human but her eyes were strange, the colour and shape of them shifted ever so slightly and L felt knowledge pushing at the corner of her mind. Just as she had all the other times, she forced it down and continued to stare back at the other Council members. After a few more minutes, the unfamiliar female whose eyes were now purple stepped a little closer.

"I apologise for our rudeness, we did not mean to stare and we should know better. There is no excuse except for our surprise and sincere admiration."

L raised her brow, what did that mean exactly? She stayed silent as the male began to speak next, it was as though he was picking up where the woman had left off.

"For some of us, the prospect of having a Keeper around is life altering but our staring was rude. Allow us to introduce ourselves, my name is Nate, this is Deana and this is Rashka". He gestured first to the woman with changing eyes and then to the Reptilian. Each of the females bowed their heads to her and the woman named Deana spoke again.

"We are the leaders of this base, our Council set consists of seven members and we report to our own species' as well as the main Council, we have all heard so much about you."

She went on to introduce the other four members, though L only just managed to catch their names as their species' distracted her. 

There was a very bored looking man whose features were soft and almost baby like, he was identified as a Nymph named Garyk. A small winged creature who looked similar to a Fairy but a little bigger and wider, Deana introduced as a Pixie named Mallim. The fact that he was male struck L but she didn't know why.

A Dwarf woman was introduced as Solan, but L couldn't see her and nobody bothered to move out of the way. L decided not to make a point of it, despite her curiosity to see a female Dwarf. The last member seemed to be hiding behind the others when Deana introduced her as Alassia.

After a moment and some persuasion, she moved forward into view and L was almost surprised when she took in her appearance, almost. She had light blue scales covering her whole body, except for her head which had one or two here and there. She was wearing no discernible clothes and her hair was a long cascade of bright blonde waves about her shoulders.

Before Deana could tell L what she was, L interrupted her as something unwittingly pushed through her mind and out of her mouth.

"You're a Mermaid! But... you have legs?"

The woman looked surprised at L's words and then she giggled, it sounded like harp music and she nodded.

"Yes I am and yes I do. We Mermaids can transform between legs and tail for a small amount of time, sadly we cannot change our scales. They always stay no matter how hard we try to get rid of them."

Her accent was strange, L couldn't place it but her words struck something in L's brain and she had to stuff it down again before more information slipped through. She inclined her head at Alassia and turned back to the others until she got over her initial surprise.

L hadn't thought she would feel any more surprise over the species' she would meet. She should have expected anything by now but Mermaids hadn't even crossed her mind. She started to think of more possibilities when Vadim finally stepped forward to stand with Deana and the others.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now