Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

“Where were you!” someone shrieked.

I opened my eyes and let the low-lit room start to come into view. I turned my head over towards the voice. A blue eye and a hazel eye were glaring at me and I mentally groaned. I completely forgot about Tori and dinner last night.

“Oh, hey Tori,” I said, laughing nervously.

“Don’t ‘Hey Tori’ me! Where were you? I saw you storm out of the Great Hall with Hermione and so I went back here thinking that this is where you were, but no! You weren’t!” Tori ranted. “I thought that you got sent home or something!”

Then she hugged me. Hugged me. She was squeezing me so tight that I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my eye sockets.

“Tori – I can’t – breath!” I gasped for air when she let me go.

“Sorry,” she mumbled.

“S’okay,” I replied. “I just went up to the Gryffindor Tower with Hermione and I fell asleep up there. So, I snuck down here, avoiding Filch and Mrs. Norris.”

She nodded, believing my little white lie and I quickly got ready for classes today in silence. I tried not to wake Parkinson, which I failed miserably I might add… It’s not like I was doing it on purpose or anything like that. That is just not me.

Tori and I must have been nearly at the entrance to the Great Hall when Harry and Weasley walked- er- ran towards their common room.

“I wonder what Harry’s got,” I wondered out loud, but it seemed my answer would come soon than I thought.

“Stupid Potter,” Malfoy muttered to Crabbe and Goyle as we passed them towards our seats. “Getting a broom-”

“That’s against the rules, isn’t it?” Tori asked him.

I mentally face palmed my head as I turned towards her.

“Yes,” Malfoy sneered. “But Potter can have the rules bent for him.”

“Is someone jealous?” I butt in their conversation.

“No!” said Malfoy a little too quickly.

I pursed my lips and made my way down the Slytherin table to mine and Tori usual spots. Tori sat down a little later after me because she was talking to Malfoy how unfair it was for Harry to have a broom.

But, I thought, isn’t Tori okay with Harry. Why was she agreeing with Malfoy?

“Come on, Vi! We might be late!” Tori shouted at me as we ran towards Professor Flitwick’s class.

“Slow down!” I called back. “And look, the Gryffindor’s only just got out!”

It was true, the first year Gryffindors were passing us as we made our way towards their old class room. But, there was one little thing that caught my attention. It was Weasley’s voice.

"It's no wonder no one can stand her," Weasley spoke to Harry, "she's a nightmare, honestly."

I watched as Hermione came up from behind them with tears streaming down her face. I guess she had heard Weasley.

"I think she heard you,” said Harry.

"So?" said Weasley. "She must've noticed she's got no friends besides that Slytherin."

Anything But Ordinary (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now