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"He's so bad, but he does it so well

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"He's so bad, but he does it so well..."

1970, London, England.
He had told me to come to this performance of him and his band. I was contemplating it, going back and forth. The music Roger had told me that his band wrote was worth having a listen to and that they "were on the cusp of getting signed." My flatmate was much more excited then I was, she was into the upcoming British Rock scene, but I was also the one fighting a massive crush on the drummer. So you could see my denial and all in wanting to be around him.

"Oh come on, Valerie! Don't be such a bore! It's going to fun. Now put on your best boots, your shortest little dress, and let's go have some fun." My roommate, Diana, never let up. I had to give it to her. I did need a night out, truthfully. I spent most of my time in between going to school and working in a clothing store to pay my way. I didn't give myself chance for free time.

"Only if you quit asking me..." I gave her a plain stare and a shake of my head as I ran into my room to get changed.

Okay, I knew tonight, I wanted to make an impression. To be noticed. I was and have always been the girl who preferred to be a wallflower, but somehow, this guy who I met in a market, had made something in me want him to take notice. Why am I like this? I never went for 'guys in bands' or anything alike. I went for the guys with a modest job, and a normal background. He was so different. I think that's where the attraction began, to be perfectly honest. I've always had a knack for perceiving people, reading people well and even with everything in my being telling me to ignore him. Not let myself get into him, I felt myself drawn to him in ways not even I could explain to myself.

I found an old sequin dress I hadn't pulled out in a while. It was a black sequinned dress that reflected off dark grey in certain lights. I grabbed a light leather jacket to keep me warm, and fluffed out my hair with some hairspray, keeping my makeup simple. Simple elegance. That was my go, I suppose.

The pub they were playing at was more packed then I thought it would be. Diana and I squeezed our way out to the bar ordering ourselves a pint each. Before we knew it, load tunes began pounding through the small space of the pub.

I was told a million times
Of all the troubles in my way
Mind you grow a little wiser
Little better every day

Everyone's focus was on the lead singer, the eccentric Freddie, but my eyes were glued to the man in the back. The blonde who performed with such a heat to him it was hard to ignore. That was where the blush in my cheeks made itself well and truly known.

But if I crossed a million rivers
And I rode a million miles
Then I'd still be where I started
Bread and butter for a smile

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