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i love boys who are passionate about things.

whether its music, sport, art or anything.

boys who have dreams and share them with you are the boys to go for.

i love the way there eyes light up or the way they gesture there hands when speaking about something they love.

its adorable.

now most guys don't like being called 'adorable' 'cute' and things like that, they would rather 'hot' 'sexy' but what they don't know is that 95% of the girl population would rather a 'adorable' or 'cute' guy because they're most likely going to be the sweetest.

and the other 5% of girls are most likely sluts.

sorry girls, i don't make the rules.

guys who are honest with you are the best guys you will ever meet.

ones who tell you things like the way they are feeling or even just random little things like how they enjoyed their day.

and guys who tell you how they really feel like 'oh hey i like you'.

you don't really see those types of guys around anymore.

and it makes me sad.

because us girls could actually really like you and you would never know because you never had the courage to tell us how you really feel.

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