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        Ashley's PO)V

        "Yes I meant it... What do you need?" I asked Angel. Her voice sounded shakey.

        "I need out..." She whispered, "Do you know where the park is?"

        "Yes I do, want me to meet you there hun?" I asked.

        "Yes, how about in an hour?"

        "Perfect, see you there." I said and she hung up. I wonder what she needed out from.. "ANDY!! I shouted. I walked towards the front of the bus. He was sitting with Raven who looked like she was crying.

        "Yeah Ash?" he asked looking at me.

        "Angel called, I'm meeting her at the park in an hour, can you have like coffee or something ready? It's a bit cold out tonight and I don't know how long she or I will be waiting for each other."

        "Did she sound scared?" Raven asked me. I looked at her. I nodded. "And a bit shaken."  I added. Raven frowned. Andy looked at her with his eyebrows furrowed.

        "Yeah, I can have something warm ready, how about hot chocolate...everyone loves hot chocolate..." Andy said smiling. I lookeda at him and smiled.

        "Thanks, I'm going to head to the park early incase she gets there early." I said and turned around to grab my jacket from my bunk. I also grabbed an extra one just incase Angel got cold. "See you guys in a bit."

        I walked out of the tour bus and headed in the direction of the park. I got there within ten minutes, it wasn't very far from where we were parked. I found a bench near the entrance and sat down waiting for Angel. Within five minutes she showed up. "Hey," I called out to her. She looked up, releaved to see me. She didn't have a jacket so I handed her the extra one I had. She smiled and quietly thanked me. I got a good look at her face and saw that it was bruised and had a black eye. "What happened?" I almost growled.

        " fahter..." she said really quiet. Her father did this to her? What kind of man does this to his daughter? I frowned and gently put my arm around her shoulder. She flinched and I recoiled my arm not wanting to hurt her. "Sorry, I have a bad burn there...." she said quietly, and this only made me madder.

        "Come on the tour bus is this way," I said, trying to control my anger. She smiled and we walked to the tour bus. When we got there I opened the door and held it open for her. "Go sit at the tabel, Andy said he was making hot chocolate."

        She went and sat at the small tabel and I heard Andy gasp. "What happened Ang?" he asked quietly. She looked down about to cry.

         "Her father." I half spat out. Andy looked at me wide eyed and handed her hot chocolate. She smiled at him and quietly sipped from the mug.

        "Do you guys have a first aid kit?" Raven asked. Angel looked up at the sound of her voice and seemed a bit surprised.

        "Yeah, it's in the bathroom, but I think we should take her to a hospital..." Cc said walking into the room, getting a good look at Angel. Raven nodded and we heard Jinxx agree from behind Cc.

        "I'll take her," I said.

        "No, I'll take her," Raven said. We all looked at her. "It would look really bad for all of your images if you took a battered girl to the hospital..."

        "Sorry Ash, she's right..." Andy sighed. I frowned. I looked at her, "Well at least let me give you my number so you can keep us infromed..." I said to Raven. She nodded and got out her phone and handed it to me. I put my number in and gave it back.

        "Come on Ang... let's get you looked at babe." Raven said and helped Angel up. I sighed and watched them leave and walk to Raven's car.

        "I'm sure she will be fine Ash..." Andy said watching me. I nodded and sat down on the couch. We sat in almost complete silence waiting for a call or a text from Raven for almost and hour. I got a text from Raven saying she was gonna call and refer to me as her broher, which confused me but I repied with ok.

         Ten minutes later I got a call from her, "Hey," I answered.

        "Hey bro, I have to work so can you come and stay with Ang? I know she doesn't want to be left alone, and we are practicallty her sibilings and the nurse said she will only allow people close to her to stay and I know you have tomorrow off..." Raven said. I got why she said she was going to call me her brother now.

        "Yeah, sis I'll be there in like ten minutes, that ok?" I replied. I heard her say yes and hang up. I quickly got to my feet and ran to grab my jacket. I walked as fast as I possibly could to the hospital. I went to the lady at the front desk and asked what room Angel was in. She said room 206, on the second floor. I thanked her and went to find the room.

        "Hey Ash!" Raven said as I entered the room. "Thanks for coming in, I didn't want her alone tonight." She ran up and hugged me, I hugged her back playing the role of a big brother.

        "No problem sis, she doing ok?" I asked. Raven smiled and nodded.

        "They gave her pain killers so she will be out for the night,"

        "Ok, you better get off to work, don't want you to be late again." I said and laughed. She nodded and hugged me on more time before she left. I went and sat down next to Angel in the chiar by the bed. This may be a long night....

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