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Ashley's Pov

Today had been a long day, we've been on the road for soooo  long. Andy has gotten so bored that he keeps bugging everyone. He drew batman insignias on CC's face and body (if you don't already know...CC sleeps naked.) When I say all over I serriously mean all over..... He took JInxx's phone and sent Sammi all sorts of text (ranging from funny to dirty.) He took Jakes phone and delelted all of is pictures of his dogs, which he got smacked accross the face for. He tickled Angel and Raven and keeps poking me.

"Hey ASH!" Andy shouted at me.

"What," I growled. Andy looked at me then Angel and smirked. He never said anything just smirked at me. I could have smacked that smirk off his face. Angel looked over and must have sensed the tension and looked appologictically at me.

"Andy, wanna play a game?" she asked  him. He stopped smirking at me and smiled big nodding excitedly. "Let's play truth or dare, Rave you in?" Raven nodded and she looked at me. "You Ash?" I looked at her sighed and noddedd.

"Okay I wanna go first!!!" Raven shouted. "Ashley truth or dare!!!"

"Dare." I replied.

"I dare you to run around the tour bus naked."

"Easy," I replied and started to strip. I started to run around the tour bus, I swear Angel blushed before she hid her eyes. I put my pants back on and sat down. I flung my shrt at Angel who still had her eyes covered. "I have pants on," I said and she took it off her face. "Andy, truth or dare?"

"Truth." he said.

"Tell us who you are in love with." I smirked, this was going to be pay back. Andy blushed and quickly looked over at  Raven.

"Well.... uhhh...this is embarrasing but..I am currently in love with....MYSELF!!!" he  decalred and smirked at me. "Angel truth or dare?"

"Dare," she said without hesitating. Andy smiled at me.

"I dare you to kiss Ashley." he said and smirked.

"Andy what the he-" I started to say but got cut off by Angel's lips pressing to mine. I melted into her kiss almost instantiniously. The kiss  ended all to quicjkly for me. she looked at me, blushing.

"Andy turth or dare," she said,he rest of the game went by in a blur. After a few hours I went to bed and laid there for about an hour before it started to strom really bad. I heard everyone turn in for the night, I checked my phone, it was almost midnight. I sighed and turned over. I thought I heard something and tried to listen harder. It was someone crying. I got out of my bed and silently walked down the hallway of bunks till the crying got louder, I found myself outside of Angel's bunk. I quitely without saying anything climbed up into her bunk and wraped my arms around her and let her cry. I didn't say a word, and I stayed with her when she stoped crying. I fell asleep with her in my arms.

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