The Watchers (Chapter 3)

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A couple martinis and a full day later with a fair bit of air traffic and the plane finally started to slowly descend from the bright baby blue sky that wasn’t tainted but merely speckled with clouds of a faded snow white.

Eve was already taking her jacket off and placing it around her waist in a tightened knot before awaiting the plane's touch-down.

“Mexico City.”

Q stated before dragging his distracted eyes towards a nearby window which he had previously had the shutter down on, he then reached and gripped the handle and lifted it up to have a glimpse of what was surrounding them, shifting his laptop back ...

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Q stated before dragging his distracted eyes towards a nearby window which he had previously had the shutter down on, he then reached and gripped the handle and lifted it up to have a glimpse of what was surrounding them, shifting his laptop back into his case and placing it over his shoulder with the extendable strap proving useful while he put one hand to his tie to tighten it with a sharp yet precise tug and his other hand wrapped itself around a cup with a bit of water still remaining in it, he knew he would need to stay hydrated in this heat, becoming dehydrated could prove dangerous in these types of heat waves to someone coming from a cold and rainy origin.

"So, any idea as to what hotel we will be setting base up in?”

Bond questioned before Eve took out her phone and held one finger up to signal patience before speaking after a moment,

“Hostel Mexico D.F. Airport.”

she replied with an almost-spanish accent, James chuckled at this attempt and took this moment to insert a small snarky remark as per usual,

“Well while we are here, you can learn from the locals and improve your sad attempt at their accent.”

He laughed before walking down the jet's extended steps and resting his hands in his pockets, sliding his feet down from step to step while Q followed along and Eve was close behind with a small frown towards James, rolling her eyes and eventually smiling after giving up the act of seeming annoyed, she knew it was terrible.

They reached the airstrip and paced towards the main airport building, looking around before exchanging glances and continuing to collect their luggage. Q glanced behind them out of curiosity due to the sinking feeling that they were being watched, pressing his glasses up the bridge of his nose once again with a single finger-tip and squinting at the crowd and spotting a pair of guys with black suits following them a few crowds back, Q became a tad startled before turning and bumping into Bond's back.

“My apologies, Bond.”

He turned back to Q before glancing and seeing what he had obviously gotten distracted by and whispered to him though in a way that the watchers couldn’t see what he was saying,

“It’s okay, I saw them. We need to lose them somehow.”

he suggested before Eve also heard what he said, the watchers were back and she had to quickly come up with a plan at this point but they needed their luggage first,

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