e l e v e n

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steponmyneck: lOOkiNg eXtrA finE todAy aRe we now

woosanwho: maybe

woosanwho: maybe

steponmyneck: whAt'S tHe ocCasiOn?

woosanwho: not really

woosanwho: just wanted to look nice

steponmyneck: you alWaYs lOOk nice :')

woosanwho: why thaaaank you

woosanwho: sooo u not mad at me anymore?

woosanwho: btw I'm sry for what i said!

steponmyneck: mad aboUt whAt?

woosanwho: for what i said last niGht

steponmyneck: ohhhhhh nononon not at all

steponmyneck: even though u woUldn't miSS or evEn liKe me I'd stiLL tAlk to u :D

woosanwho: ohh okok

woosanwho: then why didn't you answear last night?

steponmyneck: i droPPed mY pHone:'(

woosanwho: did it get ruined or what?

steponmyneck: ehhh

steponmyneck: it wiLL surViVe

woosanwho: waiiiiiit

woosanwho: what are you then texting  with atm?

steponmyneck: :')

steponmyneck: I'm teXtinG on mY bOyfrIends pHone



steponmyneck: yEEt i wiiiiisssshhhhhhhh

steponmyneck: i oNLY goT my eyeS on yOU   ;)

woosanwho: ooooooof okeyokey

steponmyneck: hiHi

woosanwho: still what phone are you using since yours died

steponmyneck: oh I'm usInG minE

steponmyneck: i juSt hAD to leT him drY

woosanwho: dry?

woosanwho: didn't you say you dropped it

steponmyneck: oooooh yeahh

steponmyneck: in thE toILet :')

woosanwho: noooooooo

woosanwho: t h a t s a b i g n o

woosanwho: no

woosanwho: just noo

woosanwho: omg swear that's nasty af

woosanwho: from now on you are forbidden to text me until you get it properly cleaned or get a new one

steponmyneck: but woooyyyoooooouuung

woosanwho: n o   buts !

steponmyneck: still tho i was only taking a ShOwER!

steponmyneck: so iT reaLLy waSN't THe kiNd of tOiLet wAtER yoU thinK it iS

woosanwho: toilet water is toilet water

steponmyneck: okEY okEY :(

(A/n; thank you all sooo much for 100+read didn't really think that would happend)


(also i would really appreciate if you could vote and coment if u liked any of the chapters :))

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