II Chapter 1 II

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"There have been more Unbandeds year by year, it makes me so nervous."

"Mhm." Starlin replied, sifting through the channels on the Wall. They didn't use Television anymore.

Krystalle huffed, "Could you at least pretend to pay attention." She was being serious. Her and Starlin's Assessment Day was coming up next week. Both her parents and Starlin's parents were Greens. Which meant they lived a decent and comfortable life with certain luxuries here and there.

"You told me you hate fakers." Starlin pointed out. "Plus, I don't even know why you bother to tell me about that stuff. You despise it."

Krys sighed, She used to love this day, she would be ecstatic, every time this time of the year came around. Her joy would be great, it would make the people around her jubilant as well. Now, she just didn't care. It felt like she wasn't alive.

Starlin suddenly lit up, "Today is Nikos Cox's Assessment Day!" She squealed.

Krys sighed for the second time.

As much as she loved Starlin and would be happy as long as she was happy. Even she thought that, Starlin's was way too obsessed with Nikos. "What do you even like about him?" She inquired.

"What do I like about him?" Starlin scoffed, "What is there not to like about him? I mean he is the epitome of success. He graduated from Saint Whiteglen High School four years early. Designed the world famous car Caballo, and is now the Vice President at Eagle. I mean, usually people wait until they're 18 and have gotten their Bands, but he doesn't even care about that stuff. I want to be like him one day."

"Yeah, honestly he is pretty cool." Krys admitted. "He's probably going to be a White."

Krys knew she would never have a high value. But she didn't want to be Unbanded.

She hadn't told anyone, but a woman had approached her a year ago after all the Unbandeds died. "You're next." She had warned Krys.

Krys didn't take her seriously. Not at first, but suddenly she could do things. She once moved a pen entirely on it's own. She thought it was a gust of wind back then. But later, when she was feeling lazy and needed a pen it came to her. to her. She tried again and again.

It worked. Every single time. This had something to do with being Unbanded, she was sure of it.

She didn't want to be Unbanded. Krys didn't care she had powers, she didn't want to leave her family or Starlin. She didn't want to die.

She prepared for months. She would study and exercise almost the whole day. Maybe if she got good scores on the Examination, she could stay.

She knew being selfish will spell her disaster. That's what happened to Starlin's sister, Rhiannon. Rhiannon was beautiful but a sometimes acted like a snob. Yet, Krys loved her like a sister nonetheless. Krys never had any siblings, so Rhiannon became her sister. Rhiannon may not have shown it but she always secretly cared for her family and Rhys.

Rhiannon always told everyone how she would be a White. How it was in her destiny. How she felt in her veins. But she always promised her family, that when she became one she would somehow bring them all to live with her. She ended up being an Unbanded. It didn't sit well with her, she refused to accept the fact that she was a Unbanded. She ran away, and never came back.

That was the story everyone else told her.

She didn't believe it. Neither did Starlin. Rhiannon had left them a note in their secret clubhouse. It had said, The Government made me.

"Ugh, that's not the point I'm trying to make."

"Oh well." Krys replied.

Starlin lightly punched her.

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