Obsessive Suraj

517 33 69

It's a birthday gift for BidishaKarar
Again sorry for being late

Hope u will like it 🙂

Chakor got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello", She said as she picked up.

No answer

"Hello...hello, again no answer.

"Hello." Still no answer

"Hello." And the call went disconnected

"Who could it be?", Chakor (to herself)

"What happened?" Sujoy asks her from behind.

"Nothing", Chakor replied

"Ok then let's go!", Sujoy said taking Chakor's hand in his.

They went out of the house and Chakor locks the main door while Sujoy brought the car.

Sujoy was sitting on the driver's seat and Chakor on the passenger's seat.

Both drove off.


In a big mansion,
A man is seen, sitting on a couch with a pic in his hand.

In a big mansion,A man is seen, sitting on a couch with a pic in his hand

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Pic of the famous model Chakor Kapoor, his obsession.

He is the dangerous business tycoon, 'Suraj Khanna'
He is madly obsessed with Chakor Kapoor.

His whole room was filled with her pictures.

"Chakor Kapoor, you don't know how much I love you. You are my obsession.
I always get what I want and now I want you. I want my obsession."  He said to her pic.


Chakor and Sujoy were in a restaurant.

"What do you want to eat?" Sujoy asks

"Ummm..." Chakor was thinking

When Sujoy asks, "Sandwich?"

"No I only like your handmade sandwiches! Order something else." Chakor said

"Ok then macaroni?" Sujoy asks

"Yep", Chakor answered

A waiter came and took their order.

The food was ready in 20 minutes.

The waiter came with the food and served them.

Chakor was going to eat but Sujoy stops her.

"Wait.. Sujoy said stopping her from eating

"What happened? Why you stopped me? Chakor asked irked

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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