Chapter One

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Bo's POV
I exhale softly, my fingertips running along to bridge of the multiple books that are aligned neatly. Small fibers of dust collect on the tips of my fingers. Soft music is playing in the background of the local bookstore. I furrow my eyebrows together until my eyes land on the familiar brown and dusty book. I tip the top of the book towards me, pulling it out. I clutch the book close to my chest with one hand as I rustle through my hand bag with the other, unsuccessfully finding my purse. I approach the desk slowly, placing the book on the counter allowing the clerk to scan it. I mumbled foul words under my breath until I find the leather material purse. "Aha." I say almost too loud. I smile softly at the old women who looks terribly miserable. Her face shows no emotion as she slips my book into a thin brown paper bag.

"£22.50" her voice cold as she licks her bottom lip. She looks like she's around 40 and by the looks of it, hates her life. Maybe I caught her on a bad day. I hand over the money as my fingers grip the brown bag. I thank her softly and my legs quickly bring me to the exit. The wind hits me straight away my hair flying back with the wind. I wince softly as I bring my scarf up to my chin, I like wind but this wind would almost blow you away. Thankfully I made it to my car in one peace and let out a deep breath when I sink into my seat. I immediately turn on the heating and begin driving home.  I've lived in London almost three years now, and I do really love it. I moved in with my mother and my sister at fifteen. My father was always traveling so my parents agreed it would be better if I lived with my mother for the time being. I'm attending the local public school much to my mothers disgust. Here I am three years later. I park and step out walking quickly up the few steps. My mother was wealthy, almost too wealthy. She solves all of her problems with money. "Bo there's nothing money can't buy, it's just sad and poor folk that say otherwise." I rolled my eyes at the thought and step into the house flicking off my shoes and hanging up my jacket. I quickly try make a break to the stairs but I'm caught dead in my tracks. 

"Bo darling, just in time. Help me cook the dinner." My mothers sweet delicate voice echoes through the hall. I bite by tongue and place my book on the counter and begin to wash my hands. My mom is a small slim women, almost delicate looking. Her long blonde hair is neatly tied back in a pony tail. A few stray hairs falling around her oval shaped faced. I don't really look like her at all. I've gotten my brown hair and my green eyes from my father. On the other hand my older sister Sarah is just like my mother. Blonde, blue eyes and thinks money is everything.

"Hi mam!" Speak of the devil. Sarah puts her shopping bags down and smacks a kiss onto my mothers foundation coated cheek. Her heels click off the marble floors and I feel the urge to roll my eyes. I start to peel the carrots ignoring her at all costs.

"Hello love, how was shopping?" My mother smiles brightly at her. Sarah begins to rant on how the new shoes she bought where on sale but when she went up they charged her full price. Oh god forbid. It's not that I don't love my sister, technically I have too. She's the complete opposite of me and I find it very hard to engage in any conversation with her. We didn't grow up together so we have no bond really.

I finish chopping the carrots and put them in the pot cleaning up around me. "How to kill a mocking bird?" Sarah says with my book in her hand. Her eyes find mine and she scrunches up her nose. "Yes Sarah, it's a book. You know the thing oh what do you call it? oh yea reading!" I smile sarcastically at her grabbing the book from her hands. She rolls her blue eyes at me as she smacks the chewing gum that's in her mouth. "I know what reading is, I read cosmopolitan every week." She says mater of factly. I let out a scoff and turn to my mother. "Can I be excused now?" My mother waves me off and I breath out gratefully and make my way to my room. I close my door behind me, drop my handbag to the  ground and flop on my bed. I lick my bottom lip as I take my phone out of my back pocket. Two messages and one miss call. I open my messages and reply to my friends quickly.


Gina lost her virginity to Scott Michaels!


In the disabled toilets omg

I giggled quietly to myself as I read his messages. Louis just loves to gossip, I sometimes question his sexuality until he explains to me in detail about how he got to third base with Jane Peterson under the bleachers.


How romantic

I exit my messages and see I missed a call off my father and I immediately call him back. I press my phone up to my ear and with my free hand I twist my hair between my fingers. Straight to voicemail. I groan softly and lock my phone. He's always busy with work and meetings so I understand but god dam he's harder to contact than the Pope. I pull the blanket over my petit frame and begin reading. After an hour of reading, a knock interrupts my thoughts.

My door swings open and Sarah leans on the door frame. She's wearing a tight fitted pink dress that shows alotta legs and alotta cleavage. I scrunch up my nose in distaste and prop my self up by my elbow.

"What in gods name are you wearing." I mumble as I grumpily get up. "And what do you want?" I add as I rub my eyes yawning softly.

"It's called a dress Bo maybe you should try wearing one sometime." She says lifting her perfect shaped eyebrow. She rubs her glossy lips before speaking again. "Mom said I should invite you out, even though I insisted you'd much rather be an anti social little vermin." She mutters picking at her manicured nails.

I roll my eyes at her and pick my book up again. "Close the door on your way out." I pick up my book again and lay back down letting out a breath. Okay sure I don't have the social life an eighteen year old should have, but I do have fun. Why am I even thinking about this. I shake my head softly and place my book down switching off my lamp. A breath escapes my lips as I flutter my eyes shut. School tomorrow, yay. My mind drifts off and I fall fast asleep.

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