Chapter two

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Lewis sprung away from me so fast I felt slightly dizzy and disorientated, I quickly gathered my wits and turned to see who it was.  Standing with his hand still clutching the door knob was Miles, looking stunned and slightly pale as he stared at us with his mouth  hanging half open.

“Miles!” I squeeked in a high pitched voice, terrified and slightly relieved at the same time.

 I stayed frozen to the spot, absent mindedly registering that Lewis had regained his composure and told him to come inside and shut the door.  I couldn’t even turn to look at him as my brain cranked into overtime thinking how bad this could be.  How much could I really trust Miles?  What if he ran straight to the principle to tell on us?!  Oh god, Lewis would lose his job, what if-

“Kelly, calm down” Lewis crooned in my ear and suddenly I noticed that he was with me again, his arms wrapped around my trembling shoulders as he tried to soothe me.  I hadn’t even noticed the ragged sound of my own accelerated breathing in the background.

“That’s it babygirl, it’s okay” He murmured running his large hand up and down my back comfortingly.

I looked up into his concerned big brown eyes and took a long steady breath, I forced a small smile to reassure him that I was okay.

“I’m good, sorry” I muttered, slightly embarrassed.

He smiled tenderly at me and turned back to face Miles that was now loitering uneasily by the closed classroom door

“Miles, I know this is confusing but I can assure you, it’s not how it looks” Lewis said steadily and waited to gage his reaction.

I looked at Lewis shocked, was he denying me?  Pretending that we weren’t together?  The thought cut through me like a knife but a small spiteful voice at the back of my head made its presence known.

Of course he is you silly girl, why wouldn’t he when his whole career was on the line?

I hung my head and pushed back the tears that were threatening to weaken me, fiddling with my engagement ring on the dainty chain round my neck in a nervous habit I’d picked up.

He was right to deny it, he had to save his job.

“Oh so your not taking advantage of one of your students?” Miles scoffed.

“No!” I cried, horrified.

“I love her” I heard Lewis say gently before either of us had the chance to say any more, I raised my head to stare at him in disbelief as he laid his heart bare in spite of his job.

My heart soared with heavenly emotion and I had to fight back the urge to launch myself into his arms, I stifled a ridiculous urge to giggle as I considered how inappropriate that would be.

Lewis glanced at me from the corner of his eye and smiled tenderly, making me feel like he knows exactly what I’m thinking in that uncanny way of his.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2012 ⏰

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