*+. Jataro .+*

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Jataro sat on the rusty leather couch one evening as he watched his parents making dinner in the kitchen. He fiddled with his sleeves and watched the kids cartoon that was on the TV in front of him. The Togami residence was a very high class home. Jataro wondered why they even adopted him.

"Kemuri! Dinner's ready!" His new mother called from the kitchen. The boy's brown eyes lit up and he eagerly ran into the dining room. He had only been with this couple for a few short days, but he was already familiar with their cooking. To his surprise, Toko was actually very skilled in making food.

Jataro sat down at his seat in the dining room. His father was already seated across from him, and his new mother was bringing in their dishes. Dinner was a few chicken skewers, otherwise known as Yakitori. Toko had lined the sticks up neatly on the plate. Sauce was carefully drizzled on top of each skewer.

"Eat up, kiddo! You too, darling!" Toko smiled, she took her own plate from the kitchen and sat down next to her husband. The three began to eat not long after Toko took her seat at the table. Jataro found his new parent's cooking to be the best in the world. Especially comparing it to the food served in the orphanage.

There, all they really had to eat was disgusting mush. It didn't taste like anything to the children because they had been eating for so long. Jataro even started to wonder if his tastebuds had all died out because of eating it so much. The food in his new home was so different. But he had no problem adapting to it.

Once dinner was done Togami headed off to his study to work. Toko sat down in the couch and watched Jataro draw in his little corner. He had already made the little corner a mess despite only being there for a short time. Crayons were scattered all over, and his bucket of art supplies was almost about to break from how many materials he shoved in.

"What are you drawing?" Toko asked, staring at her new child. She rested her head in her hands, and supported the weight of her ear on her elbows. She kicked her legs slightly, and they made a soft pat whenever she hit them against the leather couch.

"Us." Jataro simply replied, continuing to scribble on his piece of paper. Toko noticed he was really only using rusty browns and blacks for his artwork. She was by all means impressed with her son's work and walked over to see the artwork.

There in the center of the paper stood three figures, all holding hands and smiling. Toko was on the left, Togami was on the right, and Jataro stood in between them. He had drawn grass underneath then and was in the middle of coloring in the sky and clouds.

"Oh darling! It's fantastic!" She laughed, Jataro smiled and continued to color in the background. Once he was done, he continued to draw and scribble pictures. He drew all his friends and their new families. He drew his friends and himself playing together in places like the park or beach. His creativity went wild.

After drawing for around two hours, Jataro fell asleep at his art station. Toko smiled and picked him up, taking him to his room. She laid him down gently on the bed and went back to the art station. She carefully picked up each of his pictures and took them to the study.

"Darling, take a look!" She said, holding out each picture and spreading them across the table. Togami's eyes widened as he looked at all the talented pieces of art. He then looked back at Toko, who gave him a warm smile. She inhaled a breathe of air before speaking again.

"See how amazing it is? You think he could be an artist someday? Who knows, maybe he'll help design advertisements for the company!" She laughed, Togami smiled warmly and kissed her cheek quick. She brought a hand to her cheek and blushed widely.

"Possibly. But you never know what the future may hold for us all. Though I would be extremely impressed with him if he did go on to help me." Togami explained, Toko listened intently and nodded. The two talked for a short while about the future and what the couple would do then.

"You know...he's been through a lot...he doesn't really like himself..." Toko sighed, she had noticed that her new son had a bit of trouble with accepting himself and others. This was understandable, he had been living in an orphanage for all of his life, and the couple realized he needed space.

"He's almost like you were back then...you were so frail and afraid...always concerned with what others thought of you...I'm glad you're past that now. But it is our duty as parents to make sure he doesn't grow up like that!" Togami explained, firmly clutching the female's hands in his own. Toko of course, blushed and nodded.

"R-right! I won't let him grow up thinking like I did! It's out job to give him the perfect family life he always deserved!" She smiled, pushing up her glasses and giving her husband a confident smirk. Togami smiled back and the two headed to bed a short time later.

No matter what happened, no matter what it would take, the two were confident in supporting and caring for their new child. They didn't care if he had his insecurities and issues, all they wanted was to love him and make him feel like he was part of their family.

Jataro happened to wake up halfway through Toko and Togami's conversation, the boy slowly got out of bed and turned to his mirror. While he knew he would never actually have real parents, the Togami family welcomed him with wide arms and loving hearts. And for once in his life, Jataro felt happy with the way he looked.

Author's Note {5/27/21}

Please note that I DO NOT ship Toko and Togami anymore! This is a very old story I wrote back in 6th grade, and I didn't see how this was an unhealthy ship! Please don't comment saying it's toxic or unhealthy, I know it is now! If I ever decide to come back and edit any of my stories again, then I'll be changing Togami to Komaru in this chapter! Again, please note that this is a story from 6th grade, I know better now!

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