chapter 3: Army of the fallen

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Hell. A place where all went, good or bad. "It's you! It's been a while huh, how's good ol' Jimbo up there?"
Zasz. Great, I thought to myself, he was real helpful in the stand. "Want do you want Zasz?" I replied coldly
"Also how did you die? You were absent during the important parts" I sneered
"Umm hello! I was on covering duty, with Jim" he replied.
"So how the hell did you die if you didn't do anything dangerous?"

"Some of YOUR leftovers came and stabbed and shot and threw me off of that roof" he replied, blaming me

"And why did they do that Zasz?" I asked

"Cause I didn't shoot Jeremiah, when he killed your friend Sam" he said carefully

"What?!" "Sam is down here too?"
I asked

"Yeahhh, and everyone else who was killed" " I found them and promised I'd find you" he replied

"Thanks Zasz, take me to them"

"Okay" he said.
When we got there I was approached by a woman about three years yomger than me, she saluted me "Sir!" She said firmly. Then I realized, it was her, the dying soldier I had met, Savannah.
I returned her salute and asked "Savannah?"
"Yes sir" she said


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