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You peeps have been waiting so long for this chapter so here it is niggers 🌚😔🤚🏾

Be proud of me I had to look some shit up too😔

Also the younger is trell the older is tay...you'll understand later in the chapter


POV: Omniscient
Kentrell walked up to tays door sighing thinking about how he thinks the argument should play out for him before he banged on the door leaving a dent on the black scratched up door (like his dented up head)

Tay walked out of his room groaning as kentrell constantly banged on the other side of the door "hold up damn I'm coming" tay snarled before opening the door widely revealing a angered kentrell making him suck his teeth

Tay backed away from the door about to slam it in kentrells face not really wanting to see him until kentrell pushes the door open more pushing tay into the wall behind him almost knocking the air out of tays lungs before tay pushes him back

"YO wtf is your problem bro"tay asked curiously as kentrell sucked his teeth at him  rolling his eyes

"Dont play like ya' don't know what the message said that summer sent to yo' phone slime" trell spat pushing tay again balling up his fist making tay ball his fist up as well

"I don't know what tf she sent me because your-pussy ass decided it was a good idea to throw my phone you know I should beat that ass of yours"tay said poking trell in his stomach aggressively before punching him in it knowing that it would leave a bruise as trell cupped his stomach coughing harshly hissing as he touched the spot more

Tay sucked his teeth raising his eye brows furiously walking away until trell grabbed tays leg tripping him onto the floor with a loud thud as he hissed landing on his back. Trell chuckled lowly but stopped feeling the pain from his stomach

"you a whole bitch for not telling me acting like you ain't know they was gone fuck, I thought we had something taymor"trell said his face begin to heat up as his eyes glossed over as tears trickled down his face he knew he had  feelings for tay and he could finally express them as tay looked at him through gritted teeth annoyed but in all honesty triggered

"HAD SOMETHING oh please tell me when the hell we 'had something' trell you know damn well I tried really hard with your stupid ass but you kept playing games like you actually never had feelings for me. Had me looking dumb chasing after your stupid ass" tay said getting off of the floor with a groan before walking up to trell who was just sobbing lowly

"I-I didn't....I'm sorry tay I- I really am I- trell cried out wiping away tears as he looked at tay with pleading eyes before looking down at his now soaked shirt as tay picked him up into a standing position lifting his chin up making trell whimper out.

"Trell stop playing bruh I know damn well you  not crying real tears right now, like you actually crying" tay asked because he really wasn't the comforting type and acted really dumb sometimes

"TAY I HAVE ALWAYS FUCKING LIKED YOU STUPID- I shouldn't have come here I should go" trell said walking away until tay grabbed his waist pulling him back slamming there lips together pouring out emotions through the powerful kiss full of bliss (bars🔥)

Trell moaned into the kiss as tays grip tightened on his waist digging his nails into the younger mans waist making the younger man gasp giving tay access to his tongue. Pushing it inside as there tongues started to dance for dominance even though tay was going to win (headass)

The older man began to explore the youngers body,his left hand wrapping around the youngers neck while the other slid into the boys pants cupping his left ass cheek squeezing and playing with it making the younger whimper at his touch trying to push him back so he could catch his breath

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