Loyalty Delivered

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The delivery of verbal contributions, is always ..
given at ones own choice, ones own pace, ones own route

To deliver in any cause, is a gesture, an action, if written, it would have a verbe

The deliverer, may as well be unnamed, but masked an umidentified,

What is delivered, gets the least amount of attention.. Its the only known fact..

ts here ...

A DELIVERY has come by way of an unknown variety, who cares how it got ther...

Assigned to DELIVER, what you have asked for and have already accepted to receive, this kind act demands better placement...

The DELIVERER has completed the agenda, objective, motive, they have assured no penalty of fault.. The pursuit of someone elses lacked use of capability, spoiled and attended to..

DELIVERED, the deal is done, its already hear, what you ordered, asked for or demanded ..look no further for any reason,  justifiable cause, or even meger excuses .. The damage is done.

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