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Beware my son. Beware the binkfoys. Nasty little beasties that lurk in the dark, in the crevices and in the holes. They wait until you turn your back and harm you with their thin claws.

Evil little things are the binkfoys. So named for the sound they make. The 'bink' being like the sound of a squeaking gate, the 'foy' deep and guttural like the croak of a frog. They hide where you can not see and wait about most patiently.

Terrible little monsters the binkfoys are. They can lurk beneath the floor, or scuttle about the rafters. They may snatch at you from beneath the door and leave your mind in tatters.

The narrator finishes the tale. Opening the door that leads from the room, he turns once again to his audience. "Beware. Beware the binkfoys. Beware," he repeats as he slowly shuts the door behind him.

The boys, who are the audience, remain huddled about in their sleeping bags. Their faces illuminated by the lights of their electronic devices.

Said one to another. "Your dad is lame." All of them agree and so cast the blame.

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