Chapter 2:A new home

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Y/n pov
I was no construction worker but me being me i always messed with robots so i made them do the work for me i set it up like this, normal grimm will go in a part of the room that was covered with tree's resembling a forest the fire beowulf i had no idea what his home looked like but i went with a fire type place where some lava was around and fire everywhere and there i left room because i was gonna try other dust types it was finished within the next few days i grew closer with them i taught them to not attack anyone at all unless i tell them too .i put more grimm puddle in the same room and this time i wanted to try ice dust but when attempting to pour it in i accidentally tripped making the liquid fire and liquid ice falling on the puddle when i got up i looked at where my dust went and saw it mixed with the puddle i something climbing out slowly it produced a Beowulf's of fire and ice and they continued but instead of spawning both types at a time it started by making plain ice ones then plain fire ones there were a bunch of them.i could see i was in a situation i didn't want to be in.

The 2 Beowulf's stepped in the way while i scooped up the puddle in a jar and left into the woods once i was far away i threw it on the ground i clearly didn't think that threw the puddle grew wider and wider until a i saw a bunch of fire Ursa's and and Beowulf's,and the same of them on ice then i saw a blue stinger appeared i knew what it was, a death stalker once one spawned another one also spawned the first one was an ice death stalker the other one was a fire death stalker they all looked at me the puddle then disintegrated the stalkers and Ursa's looked at me i readied my weapon i heard a growl and i saw a bunch of Beowulf's behind me around 100 i don't know how that happened and how there were that many and the new grimm got the message immediately they death stalkers looked like the original expect it was pure red it
And the other one was pure light blue with crystals coming off it as maybe more armor the red one moved his stinger towards me i covered my face expecting to be hit when i didn't feel anything i opened my eyes and saw it had my shirt on its stinger then it plopped me down on top and followed the Beowulf's back to my hone the Ursa's did as well i don't know what i did but I'm glad to have been lucky enough to befriend the thing no one ever had,The creatures of Grimm once we got to my place i immediately called out all of my robots and made them expand the room by tenfolds while they did that i made one more robot to speed it up I'm glad i did it only took 18 hours and it was something i started and never finished which was why it was done so quickly it was beyond any construction robot Atlas could do once it was done i moved the all inside they seemed pleased i used the robot ahead of its time to always clean and maintain their. Living quarters. I started inventing some thing really cool and it was able to be produced in the 50's i made a ankle bracelet that was comfortable for the Grimm and it would produce an aura and i could call them to me when ever i wanted i did plan on going to beacon and honestly i wanted to use them for combat and the aura is so they don't die immediately.
*4 month time skip*
I have done alot more research and found out that the liquid dust mixed with Grimm puddle makes a Grimm with the corresponding dust the aura ankle bracelet has proved useful for them and i can teleport them to me and back where they were,I'm kinda surprised i haven't gotten a nevermore yet i wasnt sure why but it did make me curios and i wanted to find out until then i made another useful gadget it was a miniature ball that could be tossed and regenerate anyone's aura who has the ankle bracelet on and within a short distance it was retractable by magnet but needed time to recharge they were really expensive so i could only get enough materials to make 3 of them somethings i just can't make a cheap replica of unlike basic stuff such as wood,stone,dust,unbreakable walls,the rookie stuff i think i was gonna do fine in beacon but one though kept crossing my mind"am i gonna be able to kill Grimm"the wild one's normally just mind their own business around me and i do the same...sometimes...i just hope when i go on a mission like that i can find some way to solve the solution. It was late now sun was gone and i went to bed waiting for my chance to goto beacon and with that i fell asleep.

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