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~3rd person~
Loba makes it to the house, it's just as broken as she remembered it. She doesn't knock as she goes in it's not as dusty as someone would think, but not to her standards. Scrunching her nose she goes to the farthest room and sees a faint light. The closer she got the more she could hear soft crying. She takes in a breath and goes into the room, the (y/h/c) woman hugging a pillow, more broken than she'd ever felt.

"Hey Cathrin."

Cathrin's eyes shot up, complete terror covered her face. She looks worse than what Loba thought. Dark bags under her eyes, hair worse than a rats nest, malnourished, and much paler than any person should look.

"If Glenn sent you just kill me. I'd rather be dead than help that son of a bitch."

"Cath, it's me. Gabbie."

Loba takes off her mask and Catherin's terror is replaced with pure relief and happiness. The older woman launches herself at Loba hugging her tightly, almost like if she let go Loba would disappear. She cries, both cry, but neither can stay like this for long.

"Gabbie! But I thought you died along with Reyes?"

"Faked my death, but I'm pretty sure the original members of Overwatch know I'm alive but they don't care. Enough about that, I need to get you out of here."

Catherin pulls away first, and sadly shakes her head.

"Not until (y/n) comes back home. I know he's coming back."

"Cath, I know where he is you just have to trust me and leave this place, or else he'll find you."

Catherine let's put a shaky laugh as she goes back to the bed.

"Let him. I'll just off myself and we'll be fine, not like anyone would miss me I married a man who was psychotic, my dream job was a living nightmare, I lost my family, no one I actually love stays with me, for fucks sake my own son left me so maybe it would be better if I just-"

Loba slammed her hand in the wall, creating a dent, anger, sadness, and determination filled her being.

"Don't. Ever. Say that shit again. So fucking what if you made mistakes in the past? That doesn't define you as a person it just helps shape your future. This fucked up world is shitty but it's the only one we have so we just have to make it worth while, and make a better tomorrow, because we don't know what's going to happen in the future. Is it going to be better than today or is it worse, or is it the same? No one fucking knows so don't say the world would be better without you because what if your wrong and everything falls apart because it needs you, maybe not now, or tomorrow, but it'll need you and with you gone everything is destroyed and the world we've been making is crumbled and made into hell."

Lobs hold her hand to Cathrin, a small smile and a shine in her eyes, one that rivals the sun.

"So if you're done brooding, let's go. We need you, I need you, and I want to make sure you and your kid get your happy ending, the one you deserve."

Tears fall down Cathrin's face as she silently takes Lobas hand and they make the journey to reunite family.

~(y/n) POV~
It's been about two days since what I heard Sombra say, and I'm not sure if I can trust her. Yes I know she was going against Talon but what if that was their plan, and now they think they can take Overwatch and destroy the people, but on the other hand Sombra doesn't seem like the type of person to let people control what she does unless she needs something from them. I try to think of reason of why Sombra isn't betraying me but each seems more and more frantic than the last. Before I can think of one that makes me feel like Sombra did betray me my phone buzzes. It's a text from Sombra.

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now