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Your POV
After Ej shows me around the place I start to walk towards where Ej said my room should is. As I'm walking there I see a door I don't recognise. I saw Ej walking back to his room which isn't far from mine "Hey Ej" I say to him before he can open his door "yeah?" He says "Whose door is this" I ask him. "Oh that's Stitches room. She isn't popular like me or Jeff so no one really knows her" he replies. "Can I meet her?" I ask "sure I don't care do whatever you want" he says while walking into his room. I knock on her door. I hear someone say "coming" then someone opens the door and... "CRYSTAL?!" I yell "y/n calm the fuck down" she says. "Sorry I would just never expect to see you here" I say calming down. Ben walks by saying that it's time to eat dinner. Me and Crystal go down stairs to go eat. Crystal runs ahead of me going super fast "Crystal why are you running so fast to get down there?!" I yell but she doesn't respond.

When I finally get there I realise why she ran down. There were only two seats left both next to Ej. No one wanted to sit by him because he was eating kidneys. I didn't mind though, sure it smelt bad but who am I to judge. I walk over and sit next to Ej. He just looks at me surprised. I mean at least I think he was surprised. I could only see half of his face because his mask was lifted up over his mouth so he would eat. After a few awkward seconds he looks away quickly and I continue to eat and pretend I didn't notice.

I was staring at y/n in shock she actually sat next to me. Most people would go out of their way just to sit away from me. This made me blush a bit under my mask. I just stared at her watching her eat. After a few seconds I snap back to reality and quickly look away and continue to eat. "Hello, today we have a new guest. Her name is y/n. Now say hi to her guys. And be nice!" Slenderman says. "Hi" everyone says.

Your POV
"Hi" everyone says  I am not the social type so I just kinda got embarrassed and didn't look up from my plate. After dinner I went right up to Crystals room. I opened her door without knocking. That's how you know we were best friends. I fall face first into her bed. She was sitting on the bed "what's wrong this time?" She says "dinner was so awkward.." I complain "yeah... also I could tell that Ej was flustered that you sat by him. He tensed up and I could barley see but I saw some blush" she says obviously smirking. I look up from the bed with a confused look. "Really???" I ask trying not to blush or sound exited. "Yeah everyone and especially new people just avoid him." She says. She stopped scrolling through her phone and lays down next to me. "I know you still like him even though you said you don't like him anymore. You know that, right?" She said. I was shocked "How did you know?!" I ask her almost yelling. "I actually didn't really know. I just said that to see if you did, and you do" she says smirking. "Ass..." I mumble under my breath. She laughs. "Well I'm going to go to bed now so, bye" I said walking towards the door. "Bye y/n" I walk towards my room. My room is awful. It's not done yet it's soo empty and dark and the mattress is obviously old and uncomfortable. I sigh "maybe I can stay in Crystal's room. I don't think she will care" I say to myself. I knock on her door. She opens it "yes I know your room sucks and sense I know who you like I'm going to tell you to ask him if you can stay in his room." She says before I can even talk. She shuts the door and goes to bed. "Great just great!" I say to myself sarcastically. I walk to Ejs door and knock on it. No answer. I look downstairs and see him watching Ben and Jeff play Call Of Duty. I walk down there and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and looks at me with a... juice box? You know what I'm not going to ask "hey, I know I have kinda been annoying and bothering you like all day but umm... I asked Crystal if I could stay in her room and she told me to ask you... my room isn't really done yet and it's pretty uncomfortable. I understand if you don't want me to..." I say nervous messing with my hair. "Sure one sec." he turns to Jeff and Ben and says that he'll be right back. "Okay let's go" he takes me to his room and shows me where to sleep. "Thanks Ej" I say "don't worry about it" he says while closing the door. "Well what do I do now..." I whisper to myself. "I'll just change and watch Tv"
    I start to watch (favorite show) I got tired and turned the tv off and fell asleep. When I was about to completely fall asleep I heard the door open and close again. I feel weight on the bed. OMG I am in the same bed with him. I open my eyes a bit. Just to make my day better. He. Was. Shirtless. I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep even though I'm secretly fangirling.

YEET two chapters in one day boiiiis

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