'The club'

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'But Josh you said you'd come!!'

'Yeah well business got in the way, little bit'

I stared at the plain white roof, losing patience

'F*CK YOU!!! You promised me! A-a-a and what BUSINESS anyway! A-a-a-a and DONT CALL ME LITTLE BIT!!!'

'Its none of your business any way but if you must know the club is short of staff so I got called in'

At that moment I could kick one of our silly beige dining chairs and smash it up and and and well,, um yeah! The club. That stupid place. Just a hint, if you need to find Josh look for an abandoned church that is covered in graffiti with graffiti signs like: TC - The Club and AA *****. Sigh.

A/N: This chapter is really short cuz its a preview so yeah...

Josh, Josh, JoshWhere stories live. Discover now