Mehhh 2

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Levi's POV•
I lick my lips as I slip a hand into his pj bootie shorts and squeeze his ass and he lets out a moan, smirking I slowly start to massage his ass and he moans more. I pull at his shorts and take them off, giving a smirk at his slightly hard member that presses against his pink lace lingerie. I leaned down and licked him threw his panties causing him to gasp and close his legs letting out a moan.

I gently popped him getting a yelp. "Don't close your legs kitten.~" he nodded opening his legs moaning as I leaned down biting and sucking the tip threw his panties. He moaned more as his hands tangled into my hair, tugging lightly at the black locks. "L-Levi!~" I hummed around him causing vibrations as he trembled.

He squirmed and moaned beneath me as I twirled my tongue on his tip. I licked the underside and he instinctively closed his legs again trembling. "N-not there!!~" I spread his legs apart giving him a firm pop and he squeaks his eyes watering up. I rub the spot I popped. "Kitten I told you not to close your legs.~" he nods and leans up hugging me as an apology and I lift him onto my lap.

He flushed red, laying his head on my shoulder moaning in my ear as I rub his member. "Good boy~" I continue as I begin to kiss his neck leaving hickies and marks. I could feel my member pressed against the confined space of my boxers and pants. I groaned softly, biting down on his neck drawling blood and he flinches moaning.

I'm gonna mark him permanently. I let the alpha venom drip from my fangs and leak into his blood stream. He trembles and clings to me as he moans loudly clawing my shoulders threw my shirt. After a bit I detach from him and look at my work. He was flushed a shade of pink with his mouth slightly ajar as he pants. Little moans were still escaping his mouth. We hadn't even done much and he was already losing himself to the pleasure.

I lay him back and slip off his panties throwing them into the laundry basket across the room.

Time skip~~~

Levi's POV still
I shift as the sun flashes threw the window and open my eyes. I smirk looking down at Eren who's still asleep. He passed out after round two and still hasn't woke up. I cleaned him up with a washcloth but he needs a shower and a relaxing bath afterwards cause I know he's probably gonna be really sore when he wakes up.  Now that I think about it I hope he doesn't never want to do it again.....maybe I was too rough.

I gently kiss his head and pull him closer burying my face in his neck and  breathing in his sent. I love him so much, he's perfect. I don't deserve this sweet little baby. I smile as I slowly start to fall back asleep.

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