Quale canzone dei Guns N' Roses sei?Acquario: Don't Cry
Pesci: Patience
Ariete: Welcome to the Jungle
Toro: Mr. Brownstone
Gemelli: Shadow of your love
Cancro: One a Milion
Leone: Used to love Her
Vergine: Rocket Queen
Bilancia: November Rain
Scorpione: Yestardays
Saggittario: Live and Let Die
Capricorno: Nighttrain
You are One in a Milion
Yeah that's what You are
You are One in a Milion Babe
You are a shooting star.-Guns N' Roses
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Diversos• || "I'm not Afraid to speak out and say the things that I want to, or do the things I want to do. So i think in the end being natural and being actually genuine Is what Wind, and I hope It comes out in my songs ..." -Freddie Mercury ||• Ti bas...