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"Jimin-ah, where are you going?" My mom asked me as I ran around the house crazily with my hands held up high. 


"I'm just excited" I replied back to her as I stopped running. 

I glanced at the clock and freaked out as I realized that it's almost 7. I immediately started my Naruto run which made my mom freak out now. 

"Stop running around the house son!" She yelled but I ignored her and left my house in less than 2 seconds. 

As I shut the door behind and walked down the stairs, I heard the vroom of a car. I lifted my head up and spotted a handsome man dressed super fine in a black suit and stood next to his ride with one hand in his pocket and the other spread open to meet with mine. 

I'd be lying if I say I'm not totally devastated. He is glowing with that angelic style. I reached out to him and spoke up straight away-

"I was just about to leave but thank you for coming"   "But how do you know where I live?"

"Well, I found out from Taehyung" He replied as he held my hand. He smelled like strawberries. The thought that he's the sweetest made me soft and I replied back with a smile. 

"You look amazing" He admitted as he opened the car door for me and led me to sit. 

I slowly let go of his hand and spoke up while I took a seat on the comfortable jet black leather-

"You're referring to yourself".

Ten minutes into the silence and I broke it after two -

"You know I was really worried that I'd make you wait for long and get you upset. I came home late and I knew I wouldn't make it there in time... "

He softly placed his palm on top of mine and kissed the back of it after interlocking our fingers together. His eyes we're fixed on the road. 

"You'd never make me sad".

I smiled at him and looked away. A few seconds later, I glanced at him again and observed very carefully every detail of his. 

How does he manage to look that hot even while driving?

When he found me staring at him for a while,  he chuckled and threw a question at me-

"What's that you're dreaming about?" He continued looking at the road in the front. 

"Nah, I'm just wondering how much time it might have taken God to carve you out like that" I replied back as I shrugged and looked out of the window. 

Though I didn't look at him, I heard him laugh. 

"We're here".

Yoongi held his hand out for me which I didn't even hesitate to reach out for. 

Hand in hand we walked down the parking lot and into the restaurant. 

Days ago, it was Taehyung and me and Mr.Min and his friends. Now, it's Yoongi and I. Who knew that time would fly this fast. 

"Table for 2?" A gentle voice asked before leading us to a couple table. 

"Thank you. You're order will be here in 15 mins". The woman spoke before she left us alone. 

I nervously tapped on the table while biting my lips. I have a tic of not staying calm when I'm anxious. He noticed it straight away and spoke up-

"Tell me about you, Jimin"

"Well... I don't know what to say".

"Anything. I want us to get to know more about each other".

"I-I... okay... I'm broke"


"I don't know why I'm saying this but yeah.. I'm broke. And I'm looking for a part-time job but I can't find any. I really love to work at that new coffee shop they opened... nevermind, so I meant to say I am kind of workaholic"

"Oh.. "

"I've told one thing about myself. Now your turn".

"Uh r-right.. yeah. I didn't know you talk this much".

"Yeah, I do talk a little"

"Are you sure about that... "

"What? "

"Never mind. About me... I like music. Love, actually. I love producing music".


"Yeah. I'd take you to my studio some other day".

"Yes please! I would love that".

"You happy little puppy" He said fondly before he dropped his chopsticks. He grabbed hold of a paper towel and bent in to slowly rub it over the salsa at the corner of my lips. 

"You're messy" He said as he tossed the used up tissue away and continued what he was saying- "that's cute".

"Thank you sir. Please visit often" The woman who greeted us earlier said, walking away. 

Yoongi grabbed my hand and we walked out of the noisy restaurant. 

Cool night breeze hit our pale faces, pushing our hairs back while we walked towards the parked Porsche. I looked at our feet which were in sync. Weird but I feel satisfied when I sync my footsteps with someone. That someone being Yoongi is more than amazing to imagine.

As we reached the parked spot, he opened the car door and stretched his hand out to link with mine and led me to the seat as he did earlier. 

I gave him a warm smile and hopped in. I watched the movement of his slender body as he walked over to the other side of the car to claim his seat. 

Slow and steady we drove down the street. His fingers calmly played on the radio button, undecided which station to choose. He didn't speak a word and neither did I. The journey was calm. The only thing I was thinking about - how could a person this perfect exist? With that thought in mind and a smile on my face, I drifted off to sleep. 

"Jimin" I heard soft whispers as I tried to open my eyes. I could feel his breath against my cheeks. I opened my eyes in full and realized that we reached my place as I looked out of the window. 

"We're here" He whispered into my ear and pulled back later when I sat up right. 

"Thank you for a wonderful time, Mr.Min" - my first words after I'm fully awake. 

"Mhm no. Yoongi. Our relationship is more than just a professor and a student now". He said as he held my hand. 

"Is it?" I whispered before he moved in closer and gently caressed my pink cheek. 

He played with my jawline, locking his eyes on mine. His other hand pushed my hair back and he leaned in closer. 

A second or two, I felt his soft lips brush against mine. I hesitated first but blended in with the kiss later. 

I brushed his soft brown hair with one hand and the other around his neck. He slipped his tongue in, making the kiss more intense. Few seconds later, he pulled away and whispered to me-

"Thank you for making today special"  "Minnie".

I waved at him once before I walked in as I heard the vroom of his car getting lower and lower. 

"What a beautiful night" I whispered to myself as walked into the dark. 



Mr.Min | yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now