The boy who likes his coffee with three creams and three sugars

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Chapter one:  The boy who likes his coffee with three creams and three sugars

Another order’s finished and I quickly grabbed the tray. Table 4..table 4…..ah ha! I smiled at the four gossiping women, “Here you go ladies!” I served their order, “Enjoy.” After a few thank yous they went back to gossiping. Another order was called and again and again. It’s a never ending thing, I hate it but I love it. I looked at the clock..7:30pm…Okay 1 more hour and I’m done! The door tinkled and I turned and greeted the person, “Hello welcome to Coffee’s Galore,” I nearly dropped the tray I was holding, the boy who entered was a looker.



5’11” –ish

Age: Guess?? 28

Black Hair

Asian ?

Cutie-in-a-black-jacket-wearing-dark-shades was looking for a place to sit. When he stopped and saw the sign, “Please wait to be seated” he paused. He took out his phone and searched for something.  That’s my cue, but why am I not moving? Move you stupid pairs of legs! When I finally found strength to take a step, Stephanie my co-worker led him to his seat, Damn not my table! Oh, well, I may not see him again.

Stephanie looked at me funny;


Stephanie Peace

Age 28


Blonde hair (usual up in a messy bun)

Brown Eyes

Loves being a barista


Daughter of Owner

“Annie, what’s wrong with you?” Stephanie turned me around breaking the spell he had on me, “You look like an idiot standing there.”

My head slowly turned to face her, “Huh?”

Stephanie pushed my head back teasingly, “You. Serve. Pretty Boy. Frozen like Idiot.”

My eyes grew like big round golf balls, “OMG.” I covered my face, “Did I…?” I peeked through my fingers to see her nod in disbelief. I turned to see him looking at his menu with a … slight smile on his face. “Omigosh he’s smiling.” I ran around the other side of the counter and ducked behind the register, “He’s totally laughing at me.” Stephanie casually followed me, “Listen go out there and just do your job. He might just be visiting and he won’t be coming back.”

“Yeah Okay…I’ll do that.”

“Now breathe.” She instructed, “Take 10 deep breathes in…and outtt….” Then she left taking orders.

I did as she instructed and you know what? It did work; calmed my nerves down. I stood up and pretend to clean the counter…I would glance at his direction once in a while.

“Order!” Ping!

I jumped at the call and knocked out the sugar packets from the counter. “Shit,” I cursed. I heard a gasp and when I looked up I saw a woman covering her son’s ears. “I…i…i..mean Shishkabob..?” The woman glared at me and instructed her son to finish his hot chocolate so they can leave quickly. I groaned, mentally hitting myself. "Nice one Annie, great job at being discreet." I grumbled. 

James snickered, “Hey Annie, I’ve never seen you like this.”


 James Daniels

Girl meets Boy in a Coffee ShopWhere stories live. Discover now