Who Am I?

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We were both in shock for a moment neither one of us not knowing what to say. After a few minutes, he stood up and stuck his hand out to help me out of the box. When I got out of the box my legs were weak under me and I almost fell. The stranger stuck his arms out to catch me so I wouldn't fall. He walked me over to the couch in the room and sat down with me. "Something tells me you were not apart of Tristan's plan," The stranger said I gave him a questioning look. "I am sorry I don't know who that is and to be honest I don't know who you are either," The stranger stood up and began to pace back and forth. "This is not good how am I going to explain why there is a girl in my room what am I supposed to do. Do I call management and say I got a girl as a gift from Tristan," I stood up to stop him from pacing because honestly, it was making me dizzy.

"I don't think the Tristan fellow did this on purpose," He stopped pacing and looked in the box I just came out of. I had no idea what he was looking for but he clearly didn't find what he was looking for. "Um, okay well can you tell me your name so I can get you home I can assure you your family is looking for you considering the box says you came all the way from London," I looked at the box then at the stranger. "I am sorry but I can't tell you my name," The stranger laughed a little thinking I was kidding then realizing I was serious. "Wait you really can't tell me your name. Do you not remember it or something," I nodded my head and sat back on the couch. The stranger gave an understanding look, "Well I will tell you my name is Bradley but you can call me Brad." Brad grabbed his phone off the table put up a finger telling me to what a minute.

I let him know I understood and he dial a number on his phone. "Hey, James can you come to my room for a minute I have a serious problem," Brad hung up the phone and let out a sigh of flusteration. "Okay, so can you tell me anything other than your name," I shook my head I couldn't rememeber a thing and it scared me. "Do you not remember anything," I nodded my head. He sat down next to me and started looking me over. "Well you clothes are badly torn and your are bruised in a lot of places wherever you were before looks like it was terrible," Just as he finished his sentence there was a knock on the door. He got up and walk towards the door, the room that we were in was very big I slowly began to piece it together we were in a hotel room. I was ripped from my thoughts when I heard someone walk up behind me. "Are you shitting me Brad did you only bring me in here to show me a fan you slept with," I heard the sounds of a hand hitting someone's head. "No James thats not why I called you in here just walk over here," Seconds later Brad and I assumed James were standing in fron t of me.

"James, as you know Tristan was giving me a gift for my birthday and well here is the gift," James laughed and looked between me and Brad. I felt awkward in the spot I was in. James quickly connected the dots. "Tristan didn't get you a girl for your birthday he got you," James eyes got huge before he went over to the box. "Brad do you know what you just got by mistake," Brad shook his head and walked over next to James. "She is a victim of sex trafficing and you intercepted the delverie," Brads moth dropped and he put a hand over his face. "Thats why she is so battered and bruised and why she doesn't remember anything," James nodded his head and walked over to me. He bent down on one knee and began to speak "Honey you have been through a lot and I can not began to imagine what you have been through, but we need to get you to the hospital so they can check you over and make sure you are okay," I nodded my head and began to stand up.

"Brad you stay in here I am going to go get the car we can not tell the other boys no one can know about this," James said grabbing a bag off of the table. Brad left the room for a few minutes before he came back with a jacket. "Here put this one people won't bug you as much if you have this one when you walk out," I began to put the jacket on I slipped it over my head and felt a sharp pain in my arm. It caused me to scream out, Brad was quickly by my side helping me put it on over my head. "Looks like your in worse shape then I thought," Brad help me up and his phone binged he checked it and began to walk me out the door. "Okay, we are going to go out the back door. Here put these glasses on so no one can see who you are," I was so confused on why he was so worried about people seeing me. When we walked out of the room it was quit in the hallway. It was a different type of quite, it was louder than something I couldn't remember.

When stepped in to the elevator and he pushed the button to the lowest level. The ride in the elevator was quite and tense. He didn't say anything and neither did I, when the elevator stopped we were in the lobby. He grabbed my hand and began to walk us in the opposite direction of the front doors. When we made it to the back he knocked on the door twice and waited for someone to knock back. When they did he opened the door and pushed me out of it. The push was not rough but light as if to not hurt me. James had the car on and waiting for us to get in. Brad sat in the back seat with me on the way to the hospital. James tried to ask me questions about who I was and what I was doing in America. I couldn't tell him, at the hospital before me and Brad walked in James went in a got a nurse. She came out and helped me inside the hospital they all kept asking me questions I couldn't answer any of them. Suddenly the room began to spin and I could not keep myself up anymore.

Next thing I knew I was on the floor with a flashlight being shined in my eyes. I saw them putting a mask over my face before I blacked out. When I woke up I was in a white room their was a faint beeping in the room I looked over to see the moniter with my heartbeat on it. I turned next to me to see Brad sitting next to me. "Good your awake," He had a smile on his face when he noticed I was awake. "I have good news, we now know your name but as for anything else, there is no record you basically do not exist anywhere," I blinked a couple of times and tried to speak but nothing was coming out. Brad knew something was wrong he quickly shot up and ran out of the room. Leaving me alone it was a strange but familar feeling something I had felt before but didn't know where.

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