He Saved Me

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A few minutes after Brad left I heard something outside the window, I turned to see a red light facing my chest. Before I had time to react Brad came back in the room with the nurse. "Look out," Brad jumped in front of my head seconds before the shot of a gun came through the window. "I need help in room 132 patient in stress and another shot," the nurse yelled out the door. More nurses came piling in the room and began to try and help Brad. "I need a police officer here as soon as possible," one of the nurses said to another who ran out of the room. The whole entire time I just sat there staring at Brad he saved me and he didn't even know who I was. Or he did but he didn't know me personally yet he risked his life for me.

I watched them bring in something and lay him on it and take him out. They began to check me if I was okay the only thing I could do was cry. They began to try and consult me tell me he would be okay but a part of me knew what had happened. I couldn't place my finger but I knew that bullet was meant for me and I was supposed to be dead. The nurses checked me over to make sure I was okay when they checked my neck it was covered in bruises. "She was definitely from a ring. We will never be able to find out who she is," They began looking at the heart monitor next to me. "That's what they do they clear any evidence of them so we can never find them. I need you guys to check every record of missing people or filed as dead in London we need to find out who she is," The other nurses walked out leaving me and one nurse alone.

"The whole entire time you were out he wanted to know you were okay. You are very lucky to have him," I didn't have him though I didn't know who he is. "Is he okay," That's all I could get out my voice was nonexistent. "He will be fine it wasn't a deadly shot the bullet slid over his shoulder he will be fine in a few weeks. He called me in here because you couldn't speak I looked at the medicine and what they have given you was the wrong meds and it was slowly draining your body. But you are okay now, the cops are going to want to ask you some questions when they get here is that okay," I nodded my head. The nurse smiled and walked out they wanted to kill me that bullet was aimed at me at my chest. When the cops came in the room they smiled at me. "Hi my name is officer Johnson and this is officer Michaels can you tell me what happened here earlier," I looked down at my hands then up at them.

"He left the room to tell the nurse there was something wrong I was having trouble speaking and while he was gone I noticed a light on me. I was about to yell when he came in and noticed it he stepped in front of me and that's when the shot fired," The cops nodded there head. "Do you know if anyone is targetting you and wants you dead," I shook my head I still couldn't t remember who I was. "I am sorry, I don't even know my name let alone if anyone hates me," They looked between each other then at me. "So you're the Jane doe your name is Insiya. You are nineteen years old and you're from London," They read from a notepad. "How did you guys find out," I was very curious how they were able to find out who I was but not who my family was.

"We were able to find some ID on you. You had a school card it said your name and your school and from your body type we were able to come up with an age," I nodded my head still thinking about Brad. "What are you guys going to do about Brad," The cop walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "We are tracing the bullet I promise you we will find whoever did this to you guys and the person who attempted to kill you," I nodded my head. The officers walked out. I sat in the room wanting to see if he was okay but knowing I couldn't walk on my own. James came in the room a few minutes later, he had a somber look on his face. "Are you okay," He asked as he sat in the chair. I nodded but I really wanted to know if Brad was okay. "Is he okay is he talking," James chuckled and crossed his leg. "He is definitely talking the only thing he is saying is Insiya okay is she talking again is she alright. I had to come and make sure you were okay because he would not rest until he knew you were okay," I smiled I had no idea who these guys were but they were truly angels.

"Look Insiya, Brad wanted me to ask if you wanted to stay with him until you got your barrings again," I looked at him to make sure he was serious he looked dead serious at me. "I would love to as long as I am not bothering you guys," James shook his head and grabbed my hand. "Brad thinks you are an excellent girl and he wants to make sure you are okay. As his best friend I do what makes him happy and if you staying with him does that then I do it," He squeezed my hand and stood up. "Where are you going," He smiled and walked towards the door. "I have to go get Brad he wants to be in here with you so make room you and him are sharing a room for the next couple of days. I laughed and watched him walk out of the room. I felt a sharp pain in my head and suddenly my vision began to get blurry.

When I looked up there was a man in front of me he looked very familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I heard him walk closer to me and stop by my bedside. "You got away from us this time but when we get the chance you are ours again if you tell anyone about how you ended up here I will kill you and your friend," He stood up and walked away from me. He shut the door lightly. A few seconds later James came in holding the door open for the nurses. When Brad saw me he smiled. "You are okay," I nodded my head thinking of what the man told me. "I am fine how is your shoulder. "I am fine how is your shoulder feeling," I said pointing to his arm in the sling. He laughed and looked at his arm. "It hurts like crazy but it could be a whole lot worse," James interfered with the conversation.

"It could be worse for the both of you. You both could be dead right now but you okay so we are good," Brad rolled his eyes and looked at James. "You are such a Debby downer mate," James put his hands up in defense. "I am being honest you guys are very lucky and you don't even understand." I understood very much. Much more than any of them would ever be able to understand. As I sat there listening to them talk, I slowly began to remember more. I knew I wasn't safe and I had to get away before they got hurt. I knew I had to leave so I planned on how I was going to leave that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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