Part 19

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You don’t go inside right away. Maybe that makes you a bad person for not helping your brother, but when has he ever helped you? You sit on the steps, listening to them argue for a little while. When you hear a crash though, you flinch, and decide it’s time to go inside.

You don’t find them when you walk in, but you do find an even bigger mess than the one you left. You can hear them arguing again. It’s coming from the kitchen.

You slowly walk to the kitchen, nervous at what you will find. Luke’s a tough guy, and yeah he’s mad as hell, but so is your brother. What if Jake had done something to Luke? What if he’d hurt him?

So many scenarios ran through your head in the time it took you to walk from the door to the kitchen. Not one of them was good. None of them prepared you for what you see when you walk in.

The room is destroyed. If you thought the rest of the house looked bad, you have been corrected. There are broken dishes all over the floor. Not a single piece of furniture is where it belongs. The chairs have been shoved aside and thrown, and the table lay upside down ten feet from where it was this morning.

You’re afraid to look at the two boys facing off on opposite sides of the room. You’re too scared of what you’re going to see.

“Audrey, tell your boyfriend it’s time to leave.” You flinch at the harshness in Jake’s voice. He’s going to let you have it as soon as Luke’s gone.

You don’t say a word, but you do look at the both of them. The sight is about what you were picturing.

Both boys are bleeding, and both are pissed off. Luke has a small cut on his forehead, but the blood’s coming out steadily. Other than that, he doesn’t seem to be hurt. He looks ready to kill though.

Jake is another story. He’s bleeding in several different places, has a black eye, and is leaning slightly to the right. Probably a couple of broken ribs. You flinch at the hatred in his eyes. It would be one thing if it was just for Luke—although it wouldn’t be any more welcome—but no, this is all for you.

“Audrey,” he says again. “Kick your boyfriend out. We have some things to discuss.”

You shake your head. No way are you letting either guy leave this room. You want them both in your sights, where you can make sure they don’t kill each other. Also, Jake is really scaring you right now. You aren’t sure what he might do if you’re left alone with him. You are positive it won’t be good.

“Luke isn’t going anywhere,” you tell him quietly.

It’s like your words flipped a switch inside of him. All of the sudden the rage and hatred he feels towards you outweigh all of his emotions directed at Luke. “You stupid bitch I’m going to—“

Before you can blink, Luke lunges for him.

A/N: Sorry it's super short but that's because the next update is going to be a special one :D hope you guys like this and thanks for reading, vote, and comment let me know what you think! love you all

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