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"We're leaving in ten minutes so make sure you have everything." Jin said before leaving Jimin to his suitcase.

He was leaving for dance camp.

He went into the drawer of his nightstand and pulled out the box of laxitives. His teacher had given him enough to last him the whole summer.

Though he hadn't noticed any results since being on them for the few months he was.

He put them in his suit case anyway before zipping it up and rolling it out of the room and out of the house.

Taehyung and Jungkook were standing side by side by Jin's car, waiting to say goodbye.

Jimin loaded his suitcase into the back before turning to face the two.

"Don't let them break you okay?" Taehyung asked pleadingly, Jimin smiled before Taehyung pulled him into an embrace.

They released before Jimin turned to look at Jungkook.

Jungkook kept his stone cold expression while Jimin gave him an anxious half-smile.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and pulled Jimin into his arms.

"Stay strong. For Taehyung."



"Are you ready for the performance?" Taemin asked, Jimin nodded.

He was one of the Korean students that Jimin had befriended.

"And finally, team red." The MC announced at the summer-end recital as the crowd cheered.

The group went up on stage and stood in their starting positions.

Staring into the light made Jimin feel ill.

He turned considering he started by having his back to the crowd.

The music started.

'On the third beat.' He reminded himself, the group were to spin around.




The group turned.

But all Jimin did was crash to the ground.


"His kidney is failing. Namjoon is a match though so we can go ahead with a transplant if you consent."


His eyes slowly opened.

Soft sunlight entered the white sterile room. He looked around, a monitor beeped with the rate of his heart and his other health stats.

A doctor entered the room and smiled.

"Good morning Jimin." She greeted before taking out a clipboard from the foot of his bed. "How are you feeling today?"

"Fine, what happened?"

"Well, you had a severe laxative overdose and one of your kidneys failed but your father gave you his. For the past month you've been in a medically induced coma because you're heart was very unstable, to the point of having to keep you in Canada because you were too unstable to transport back to Korea. You were flown back 17 days ago and we just pulled you out of the medically induced coma."

Jimin looked away from the window.

"Why were you taking them?" The doctor asked, Jimin sighed.

"I wanted to be skinny."

"But you are-"

"Your opinion doesn't matter to me." He growled. "To others I'm still chubby. I'm not allowed to be this way."


Taehyung entered the room.

His parents and Jungkook were still eating in the cafeteria.

But Taehyung couldn't wait to see his brother.

To see that was okay.

He hadn't seen him since before he left for the trip. He had missed his mochi.

There was a man sitting, looking out the window.

Black raven-like hair that looked like silk laid on his head perfectly with no frizz or bed head.

The man turned, which shocked Taehyung because it was no man.

It was his mochi.

"J-Jimin." He stuttered. Jimin gave him his usual half smile.

"Hey." He hummed; even his voice was different.

Whatever kind of water they had at that camp had made puberty smash into Jimin like a truck.

Jimin stood, even his stature was different.

Instead of chub, stood muscle. He was toned; especially his thighs.

His jawline was cut and he had a very obvious grilled abdomen from underneath his shirt.

He was hot.

"Tae?" He asked again for the fourth time, Taehyung shook his head.

"Huh? Sorry, I've been worried about you."

"That's okay, thank you for worrying. I was just wondering where Kook and our parents are."


'You're absolutely disgusting, you should be ashamed of yourself.' His voice yelled in his head.

'If anyone finds out you'll be considered a freak.' He turned over and slammed the pillow over his head.

'Your parents will put you back up for adoption. They won't want to keep you if they find out you have the hots for your brother.'

There was a knock on Taehyung's bedroom door.

"Tae?" He furrowed his brows.

"What." He snapped.

"C-Can I sleep with you?"

Taehyung's cheeks blushed as he became sexually frustrated. 'He means it literally you pervert.'

"Yeah." He sputtered out. He moved over before feeling the latters warm body next to his.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.


"Because I let you down." He paused, "I let myself down."



Poor Jiminie :(


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